October 2019


(BS-17) SPEECH THERAPIST (On contract basis for the Period of Five (05) Years) 


(BS-16) ASSISTANT PROTOCOL OFFICER (on contract basis for a period of (05) Five years)
(BS-14) SUB ENGINEER (CIVIL)  on contract  basis for a period of 05 years 
(BS-17) DISTRICT ZAKAT  OFFICER (On Regular Basis)
(BS-12) JUNIOR COMPUTER  OPERATOR (On contract basis for a period of (03) three years)
(BS-16) SUPPORT OFFICER (On Regular Basis)
(BS-12) TECHNICAL ASSISTANT (On Regular Basis)
(BS-17) INCHARGE HOBBY SECTION (on contract basis for a period of Three years)
(BS-18) MEDICAL OFFICER (MALE)  (On contract basis for the period of 03 years)
(BS-17) PROTOCOL OFFICER (on contract basis for a period of Five (05) years)
(BS-12) ASSISTANT PROTOCOL (on contract basis for a period of Five (05) years)

MEDICAL OFFICER (MALE) (On contract basis for the period of 03 year

INCHARGE HOBBY SECTION (on contract basis for a period of Three years)

SUB ENGINEER (CIVIL) on contract  basis for a period of 05 years


JUNIOR COMPUTER OPERATOR (On contract basis for a period of (03) three years)
SUPPORT OFFICER (On Regular Basis) (BS-12)

SUB-ENGINEER CIVIL (on Contract Basis for a period of 03 years) (BS-14)
SUB-ENGINEER ELECTRICAL (on Contract Basis for a period of 03 years) (BS-14)
SUB-ENGINEER MECHANICAL (on Contract Basis for a period of 03 years)

Assistant jobs in S&GAD, Punjab Civil Secretariat, Lahore are coming up soon. S&GAD, Government of the Punjab is about to request Punjab Public Service Commission (PPSC) to recruit 56 suitable candidates against vacant seats of Assistant post in Basic Pay Scale 16.

Lastly, the Assistant jobs of S&GAD were advertised by the PPSC in 2018. Now in 2019, the same posts are going to be advertised shortly.

Aspirants should be ready and make preparation for its exam. Here is brief discussion about Assistant post of S&GAD, Punjab Civil Secretariat, Lahore.

Job Title: Assistant
Basic Pay Scale: 16
Place of Posting: Punjab Civil Secretariat, Lahore

Minimum Qualification
As per Punjab Secretariat Ministerial Posts Service Rules, the minimum qualification required for the posts of Assistant is as under:

Graduation degree (second division) from a recognized university.
Minimum Experience: Nil
Age: Male 21 to 28+5 years and Female 21 to 28+8 years
Gender: Male, Female & Transgender
Domicile Eligibility: Only Punjab domiciled candidates can apply.

Syllabus for Written Examination / Test
As per PPSC previous advertisement for the posts of Assistant published in 2018, the syllabus for written exam / test was as follow:

One paper MCQ type of 100 marks of 90 minutes duration comprising of General Knowledge, English, Basic Mathematics, Everyday Science, Islamiat, Pakistan Studies and Computer.
Salary of Assistant
Salary of Assistant is equal to Basic Pay Scale 16 along with allowances as admissible to other Punjab Government Employees. However, in Civil Secretariat, the employees also get some special allowances. Newly, appointed Assistant may get following salary:

Basic Pay: 18,910
House Rent Allowance: 4,091
Conveyance Allowance: 5,000
Medical Allowance: 1,500
Adhoc Relief Allowances: 7,261
Utility Allowance: 7,000
Secretariat Allowance: 9,455
Total Estimated Salary: 53,217

Job Description of Assistant

Duties and responsibilities of Assistant, not limited to, are as under:

He will maintain reference books and keep them up-to-date
He is personally responsible for adding to a case any precedent, policy, rules, or regulations relating to it, and flagging them properly and making references in the margin of the case before its submission to the high-ups
He/ She should undertake reference and research work, i.e., acquaint himself with the rules and regulations pertaining to the subjects dealt with in his Section, maintain such statistics
He will record advice tendered by the Services, Law and Finance Departments on any important matters
He will prepare such statements and returns and collect such material and statistics, as required
He will also maintain prescribed charts regarding all outstanding reports and Time-limit cases
In the temporary absence of the Incharge, S/he will submit and personally explain urgent cases to the high-ups
He will undertake periodically a proper classification, recording, indexing and weeding of files
He will compare typing work, when necessary
He will generally instruct and guide the Section Clerk and supervise his work.
In case of temporary absence of the Section Officer, he will attend to any urgent references or cases that may require immediate attention
In the absence of a clerk/record keeper, he will perform their duties
He will prepare drafts for approval after final orders have been passed
He will take follow-up action by putting up reminders for signature of the concerned Section Officer on due dates. He will also collect information from the concerned agencies
He will maintain separate running summary of each case giving history, background, and the stage of disposal
He will do such other office work as may be entrusted to him by the High-ups
Promotion / Career Scope

Step 1: Assistants are eligible for promotion as Superintendent in Grade 17 upon completion of 05 years experience and four weeks mandatory training.

Step 2: Superintendent, after training, is eligible for promotion as PMS Officer in Grade 17.

Step 3: PMS Officer is further eligible for promotion as Deputy Secretary / Equivalent Posts in Grade 18 after completion of 05 years service and completion of 03 months training course.

Place of Posting: In any department of Punjab Civil Secretariat, Lahore.


Agriculture is the largest sector of Pakistan's economy and accounts for about 60 percent of export earnings. As much as 68 percent of the rural population depends on agriculture, a sector that employs over 46 percent of the labour force.

The Kalabagh Dam has a maximum retention level of 915.00. which is the Kabul river bed level near A kora. about 12km downstream of Nowshera. The fear that Nowshera would be drowned is therefore, baseless. The drains from Mardan and Swabi fall into Kabul River near Nowshera, upstream of the retention level and would not be affected. There are differents objection made by different section of people against the construction of Kalabagh Dam.

We don't think that any of this is entirely true. Like others, they know that the increasing demand for water and power (electricity) in Pakistan in me next 10 to 15 years cannot be met without augmcuii.ig the existing capacity. Does anyone know what the range of demand for water and power might be in 10 to 15 years from now? What are the estimates, if they exist, for the country and the provinces?

The opposition to Kalabagh Darn seems to rest on two planks. The differences on technical issues stand on first plank. These issues include (I) amount of water required downstream for farming and other uses, against intrusion by the sea, and mitigate silt accumulation; (ii) effects on water tables and salt accumulation; and (iii) loss of agricultural and urban land and displacement of people.

The controversy over water availability is at the heart of conflict over building new dams for upstream water storage Sindh's experts estimate that every four to five years, the yearly system flows are around 123.59 MAF. The annual average water availability from 1922-23 to 2005-06 has been 138 MAF.

WAPDA officials; however, estimate an unbelievable figure of 152 MAF as average annual flows.

The following factors must, therefore, be considered seriously to estimate average annual availability of water:

1. At present, Pakistan has no treaty with Afghanistan tor apportionment of water from Kabul River which contributes an average of 20.44 MAI to the Indus main river. Potential short term uses by Afghanistan are about eight MAF. Adjusting for these uses, the water availability from western rivers will become 130 instead of 138 MAF; and. in four out of five years 116 instead of 124 MAF. These uses b\ Afghanistan can increase in the long run. causing further reduction of water in the Indus basin.

With speedy construction of dams and barrages by India, the hypothetical contribution of eight MAF by the three eastern rivers (which were sold unilaterally by Punjab technocrats and dictatorial government of Field Marshall Ayub Khan in I960 while Sindh was under the bondage of One Unit), cannot be simply assumed as permanently available for any realistic projection.

3. The expectation that the on-going national programme of improvement of watercourses (NPIW) would save significant quantum of water for filling in 2-3 mega dams over the long term, is nothing but a myth as is evident from past experience of several on-farm water management projects. Being a crash programme, the NPIW has no inbuilt mechanism to ensure good quality works, proper O & M and sustainability through farmer participation.

4. The assumption that the provinces shall continue saving 12 MAF of allocated water annually is also a fallacy, because there is an increasing use of water in Punjab. Balochistan and NWFP (including above rim station utilization)

Sindhi technocrats have, therefore, been pleading that there is simply no surplus storable water available, if all requirements and commitments are duly-met WAPDA and other pro-dam lobbies have not been able to give reliable information on future average annual availability of water flows in the system.

Under the scenario of sufficient water availability in only one out of five years, there is no way that the two mega dams (Kala Bagh and Basha) costing about $25 billion or more could be rated as feasible in financial terms.

The proposed mega dams cannot stand the test of real economic feasibility when using sensitivity elements such as regional equity, lower riparian rights, welfare and distributive justice, food security, and opportunity cost of poverty, environmental degradation and quality of drinking water:

Controversy over construction of new dams is partially also a result of mistrust which is deep rooted in the past one and a half century of broken agreements and promises by Punjab.

Some glimpses of operation of existing reservoirs are highlighted hereunder to establish the case in point:

=> Dams should be filled when, the water is surplus. But Mangla dam is forcibly filled in April and May when there is shortage in Sindh and heavy requirement for Kharif crop.

=> After the Indus Water Treaty I960, allowing exclusive use of 33 MAP of eastern rivers to India instead of their historic utilization of only eight MAI', the withdrawals of Trimmu. Islam and Panj n ad barrages on Indus have been placed at the same priority with that of Guddu. Sukkur and Kotri resulting in drastic reduction of water at the lower stream barrages.

=> GTC is being constructed with a head discharge of 8.500 cusecs whereas maximum discharge allowed in Water Accord’s ten daily allocations by the CO!, in ypile of valid objections by Sindh province, is 5.900 cusecs only. 1 here is no guarantee that the GTC would, not be converted into a regular irrigation canal just like its predecessors the CJ and the TP link canals, and used for irrigation of Punjab fields even during shortage years.

$ The so-called Historic Use Formula of 1994, which was neither agreed by Sindh nor approved by the CCI. is belligerently being followed for'Indus water apportionment since then. Ironically, it is in vogue even after its annulment by the IRSA under directives of Chief Executive Secretariat. Downstream Kotri escapade to sea has been continuously denied, and apportioned by Punjab in some sears, despite protests by Sindh.

No flood canals and small dams have been constructed in Sindh province, despite pre-proposals for about a dozen such projects.

Under the circumstances, the mistrust between Sindh and Punjab has grown out of proportion. Every passing day the provoking statements of pro-dam lobbies are fanning this fire.

It appears now that a unilateral announcement ol constructing Kalabagh dam will be made shortly by the Prime Minister Mr Shaukat Aziz who. like his predecessors in power, desires to construct a mega project from the windfall dolls' reserves: whereas there are several high priority areas such as

social development, investment in vocational education and employment generation, cutting edge research and technology, use of atomic energy for peaceful purposes, and bar coalfield development which qualify for critical investment and which may have a high economic internal rate of return vis-a-vis the Kala Bag .

From the review of books and materials on Sindh Water Case one may easily conclude that there is no absolute rejection for the construction of a large carry over storage dam per se. Opposition to the two mega dams emanates from of five site non-availability of water to fill the new dams in four out of five years intended construction of irrigation canals by Punjab  on new dams low potential and high cost of power generation from proposed dams vis-a-vis exploitation of Thar coal reserves of Sindh indifference to opportunity cost and feasible alternate uses of huge investments even in the irrigation and drainage sector track of violation of water accords by Punjab and lack of legal and regulatory framework, to ensure judicial apportionment and sharing of Indus waters in the long run.

The Government. WAPDA and the pro-dam establishment of Punjab have done nothing concrete to guarantee that water apportionment shall be done judiciously and on a sustainable basis, and. that the losses, if any suffered by all Sindh stakeholders shall be duly compensated.

The unusually hurried process of decision making on upstream irrigation projects has also multiplied the doubts and unleashed active resistance in Sindh.

Mangla dam with raised walls Tarbella dam and construction of small feasible dams at different sites can easily handle the water storage needs of Pakistan up to year 2030 AD.

Assuming that completion of a mega irrigation project such as the KBD may require about 10 years. Pakistan has a comfortable margin of 15 years or so for confidence building measures (CBMs) to arrive at a consensus on Indus water sharing and storage.

With sincere efforts, skilled negotiation, credible guarantees tor future water sharing initiation of necessary irrigation and drainage projects in Sindh and appropriate compensation lor deltaic a f fee tees such a consensus can most certainly be managed during a much shorter time period.

Alongside the CBMs there is also a need to base all investment decision making on proper data base. The conflict over technicalities of water availability and appropriate carry oxer dam

sites can be managed through open exchange of information among all stakeholders. The current WAPDA policy of denial of factual information has been a major hurdle in attaining consensus on various irrigation and drainage projects.

Reliable data is expected from the on-going work of technical committee and downstream Kotri study. In addition there is a need to complete financial and real economic feasibility studies on other proposed dam projects sites.

Constitutional as well as Pakistan Army guarantees on nonconstruction of irrigation canals from the storage dams and adherence to mutually agreed water apportionment (invoking CC1 and/or thirty party mediation during violations by any party) may be required to arrive at a consensus among all four provinces.

On the international front it may be advisable to utilize the available time margin for striking favourable water agreements with India and Afghanistan. If need be the I960 Water Treaty with India max be re-negotiated through the World Bank invoking genuine needs of Sindh agriculture and environmental escapade to sea. I he big hurry of pro-dam lobbies is quite unnecessary and detri menial for provincial harmony.

The irresponsible and supra-constitutional proclamations of Punjab Water Council may magnify the manageable conflict to extraordinary proportions whereby the issues of apportionment of Indus waters and construction of storage dams below the Tarbela site might get referred to third partv international forums in the short run. Such a situation shall be against the national sovereignty, and all patriotic elements must by to avoid it by accommodating the genuine viewpoint of each other.

Apart from the above discussion, the important point is that a process of genuine consultation lake place to allow a consensus to emerge through give and lake. Il seems to us that there are genuine differences on the issue of the Kalabagh Dam that need to be resolved through dialogues in an environment of mutual respect and conducive to creating trust. It wouldn’t be prudent, given the nature and state of the discord, to unilaterally and precipitously decide to go ahead with the project as is being widelv reported in the press on behalf of the powers-that-be. Too main similar mistakes have been made in the past and their consequences keep haunting the federation. Why add one more to the litany'?

How to Prepare for Psychological Test for Sub Inspector in Punjab Police

First part was about introducing yourself. Time given was 30 mins. They left some blanks and you need to just fill that about your intro, which includes you, your occupation, age, qualifications with completing year and marks and institutions, your parents, their occupation, their ages, siblings, their ages, their occupation, your hobbies, memberships, seminars, certification etc.

Second part was about lickter scale, time given was 15 minutes and you have 45 statements, from strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree, and strongly disagree you need to chose one, there will be numbering 1,2,3,4,5 for each selection you make. Be yourself tell them what you think about situations. Remember don't go at extreme level, stay positive and try to compose yourself on agree, neutral, disagree. It will help you to limit your mind between these limited options, go for strongly option in case you find that it suits the situation and it is a strong truth or lie. Be concentrated as some questions gets repeating after some interval, remember your choice for the first statement till the end, don't confuse yourself, i-e there was a statement which is like, i am talkative, I answered it with agree, after some statement there was written i stay quite or i am reserved, i wrote disagree, as I have to keep my self consistent in every statement.

Third and fourth part was about think instantaneously and answer what comes in your find at first, time was 15 minutes for each part, remember you need to be positive, very positive. I-e there was question like: I regret:- i wrote- I regret for not spending much time with my deceased grand parents. Or there was question about al qaiuda:- one of my friend wrote in answer:- is not real picture of Islam. Etc.

After all You don't need to prepare for these types of test, just be yourself and tell them who you really are, no embarrassing statement should be part of it. Stay positive, compose yourself, use your vocabulary and be timely. Time management is the key factor. But as far as I know you have plenty of time to write, don't rush onto things immediately and nor jump to conclusions in rush. Take your time but not as much as given. Don't overwrite or cut words, be breif and realistic in your answers.

It goes without saying that taking the CSS Exam is an extremely arduous task. Given all the difficulties the candidates face, they might wonder why they are further grilled through psychological assessment. But, conducting psychological assessment of the would-be officers seems imperative because the civil servants should possess the talent, skills and aptitude befitting to their job, as they have to work for the betterment of the society.


Psychological assessment is the name given to a process of evaluating and assessing an individual. The psychologists integrate information collected from multiple sources such as tests of personality, ability, intelligence, interests and attitude. The findings revealed from these tests are further supported and confirmed by relating them to background information, behavioural observation and one-to-one interview with the psychologists.


Psychological tests for recruitment can be divided into two main categories: Ability Tests and Personality Tests.

1. Ability Tests

The ability tests measure intellectual and reasoning abilities of the candidates. These consist of multiple choice questions (MCQs) or short Q&A format. These limited time tests can be passed only if you are speedy as well as accurate in your answers. The different types of ability tests can be categorized as follows:

a. Abstract Ability: These tests attempt to assess the ability of the candidate in identifying the underlying logic of a pattern and then determine the solution.

b. Verbal Ability: This test purports to measure understanding and comprehension skills of the candidate. It is a measure of how well you understand analogies.


a) Track : Athlete
b) Ant : Bug
c) Fast : Hunger
d) Hook : Fish

c. Numerical Ability: This test is used to assess your knowledge of basic arithmetic, number series, and simple mathematics.

2. Personality Tests

It is usually said that personality tests do not have any right or wrong answers. This is but only half true. No doubt you will not be given scores on the test but what you say reflects a lot about the personality you possess — your confidence, decision-making skills, leadership abilities, etc., will be assessed through personality tests. These can also be classified into two types:

a. Non-projective Personality Tests: In these tests, the candidates are required to respond in true and false to a series of statements relating to their feelings, thoughts, emotions and behaviour in a variety of situations.


Are you slow at making friendships with people?
Do you think there are more nice people than fools in the world?
Do you ever make a promise you know you won't be able to keep?

b. Projective Personality Tests: The projective tests included in CSS exam usually include story writing and completion of sentences.

i. Story Writing: The candidates may either be given pictures to write a story on or may be asked to complete a story. While taking this test, candidates should keep certain things in mind. Firstly, the stories should have a proper beginning as well as ending. The stories should be given a title and the candidates should cover such issues as what is happening in the picture, what led to the scene in the picture, what are the thoughts and feelings of the characters and what will be the outcome.

ii. Completion of Sentences: The candidates may be asked to complete sentences by writing the very first thing that comes into their mind. They may also be given words to make sentences with. This test is timed so that the candidates do not try to fake good in the test.

  • Te best part…..
  • At bedtime…..
  • My mother…..
  • Sports are…..
  • Girls are….


The candidates may be asked to write an autobiography in which they are expected to write as to who they are and what they aspire to be. The candidate should provide details regarding his/her name, date of birth, place of birth, childhood experiences, educational background, occupational history, social history (relations with family, friends and colleagues), why they decided to go for CSS, what is their first preference and what qualities do they possess that would help them in doing justice to their Service.

Questions Relating to the Candidate

In this part, the candidates may be asked several questions relating to their personality, experiences, relations with others, interests and attitudes. The purpose of administering this test is to get a better understanding of the candidate. These questions are asked to know how well you can assess yourself. Do not hesitate in writing your weaknesses, if asked. A person who knows his strengths and weaknesses is in a better position to utilize his strengths when need be and overcome his short comings.
What are your strengths and weaknesses?
What are your achievements?
Write memories of your childhood?
Any decision that you took that went against your expectation?

How to Prepare?

Making yourself familiar with the different types of tests, their format and the way questions are asked is the first step to prepare for psychological assessment.

1. Practice online tests. This will not only give you a fair idea of what to expect on the day of psychological assessment but will improve your speed and accuracy.

2. Candidates who are not in touch with mathematics are recommended to get back to the basics of arithmetic.

3. Try to solve questions related to percentage and ratio and practice number sequences.

4. Try to increase your vocabulary so that tests assessing your analogical reasoning do not pose problems for you.

On the Test Day

1. Sleep and rest properly before the important day.

2. Do not skip your breakfast. This is the worst thing you can do to yourself.

3. Avoid taking any medicine that may make you feel drowsy.

4. Take with you everything that you might need — pencil, sharpener and eraser particularly.

5. Reach the examination centre well before time to avoid any inconvenience.

6. Wear a watch. Do not depend on mobile phones to keep a track of time.

7. Don't mind if the psychologist appears to be cold and unfriendly. They are supposed to be like that.

8. Listen to the instructions carefully. Do not proceed with a test unless you have fully understood the instructions.

9. Do not try to cheat as it would be of no use because candidates sitting near to you may not be having the same booklet as you.

10. Do not let anxiety overpower you. Keep calm. In case of anxiety, do deep breathing.

Group Discussion

The main purpose of group discussion for selection is to assess the abilities of the candidates to work as a team. It's very important for the candidates to understand that group discussion unlike debate is a cooperative group process. Through group discussions, psychologists evaluate your knowledge, communication skills, leadership abilities and interpersonal style.

How to Prepare

Make it clear in the very beginning what is required of you in a group discussion.

Prepare yourself to speak on various topics. The best possible way to equip yourself with knowledge is to go through your current affairs notes and read daily newspapers.

To stand out in group discussion, express your thoughts candidly and convincingly. This can be achieved by practicing alone and with your friends. While practicing alone, speak on some topic and record your voice. This will help you identify your flaws.

Increase your English and Urdu vocabulary. For this, it is important that you read the newspapers — both English and Urdu.

Needless to say, practice daily before the big day.

Dos of Group Discussion

Do initiate the discussion if you have solid knowledge about the topic.
Do maintain an eye contact with the speaker.
Do try to be an active listener.
Do be assertive but not aggressive.
Do avoid grammatical errors.
Do prove your point with reason.

Don'ts of Group Discussion

Don't talk too much; allow others to speak.
Don't interrupt anybody.
Don't drift away from the topic.
Don't use English words in Urdu discussion and vice versa.
Don't lose your temper in an attempt to equal scores.

Important Topics

America is justified in attacking Iran in order to control nuclear proliferation.
Joint family system is a matter of the past.
Should India be given MFN status?
Is there a need to make more provinces?

Command Task

In command task, the candidates are given a task which they have to perform in conditions that are as near to the work environment as possible. Command tasks are conducted to assess the teamwork and leadership abilities of the candidates.

How to Prepare?

Candidates must know the hierarchy and job description of each Service.
Read newspapers. The situations given in command tasks are usually based on real events. News reports can provide you with knowledge as to how such problems are to be dealt with.
Try to work out various command tasks and draw up strategies.
To nail command task, practice it alone and with your friends.

Exclusive Tips

  • Be confident
  • Read the command task carefully.
  • Make your own strategy. Don't depend on the suggestions of group members.
  • Try to finish the command task in the prescribed time limit.
  • Encourage others to participate but do not pinpoint somebody to give a suggestion.
  • Begin your command task by greeting the group.
  • Clearly explain the situation and seek suggestions from them.
  • In the end, tell the strategy plan that you have chalked out. It would be better if the strategies are mentioned in a systematic and organized way.


Gas is not being provided to the textile mills and the government is increasing the export of cotton. The millers are against this. Draw up a strategy.

To increase the literacy rate and to decrease the dropout ratio the government has asked not to take final exams of children from class 1 to 4. The teachers' union is against this move. You, being the Secretary for Education, chalk out a plan.

Interview with the Psychologists

In the end, the candidates are required to appear before the psychologists for a brief interview. It is more of a discussion with the psychologists. The purpose of the interview is to know more about you and to clear ambiguity, if any, relating to the information that you provided in the psychological tests. The psychologists may ask questions related to you and your family, and also your educational and occupational history. They may also ask your opinion on various national and international affairs and some questions on your optional subjects. Once all the phases are complete, the psychologists will make a complete report of their opinion about you.

PPSC Labor Officer Solved Past Paper 2015LABOUR INSPECTOR (BPS-14)
In the Labour and Human Resource Department - 2015

1. If x - 4 = 5, then the value of x is: (A) 54
(B) -1
(C) 9 ✓
(D) 45

2. Shahid receives a bonus of Rs. 50 for every Rs. 500 worth of merchandise he sells. Therefore, the percentage (%) of his bonus is:
(A) 25%
(B) 10% ✓
(C) 15%
(D) 5%

3. If (7°) (715) = (7c)/(7d), what is d in terms of a, b and c?
(A) c/ab ✓
(B) c-a-b
(C) a + b-c
(D) c-ab

4. If 15 out of 25 candidates failed a driving test, the percentage of pass candidates is:
(A) 40% ✓
(B) 21%
(C) 60%
(D) 4%

5. If 500 kg of meat is used by 20 households for a week, for how many days will 200 kg of meat by used by 14 households from the same population?
(A) 4 ✓
(B) 5
(C) 6
(D) 8

6. The capital of New Zealand is:
(A) Dunedin
(B) Christchurch
(C) Auckland
(D) Wellington ✓

7. Qantas Airlines is the airlines of:
(A) Italy
(B) United Kingdom
(C) Australia ✓
(D) Ireland

8. February 5th is observed annually as:
(A) Kashmir's Solidarity Day ✓
(B) Kashmir's Martyrs Day
(C) Kashmir’s Black Day
(D) Kashmir's Accession Day

9. When did Quaid-i-Azam resign from the Indian Congress Party?
(A) 13th April, 1920 ✓
(B) 13th April, 1921
(C) 13th April, 1922
(D) 13th April, 1923

10. The report submitted by Nehru Committee is known as:
(Al Nehru Report ✓
(B) Congress Report
(C) Indian Report
(D) Freedom Report

11. The national flower of Pakistan is:
(A) Tulip
(B) Rose
(C) Jasmine ✓
(D) Sunflower

12. “Oncology” is the study of:
(A) Tumours ✓
(B) Fossils
(C) Bones
(D) Animal behaviour

13. One metric ton contains kilograms.
(A) 10,000
(B) 100
(C) 10
(D) 1000 ✓

14. 1 byte consists of:
(A) 8 bits ✓
(B) 16 bits
(C) 32 bits
(D) 4 bits

15. The capital of Saudi Arabia is:
(A) Riyadh ✓
(B) Jeddah
(C) Makkah
(D) Madina

16. Arteries become hard due to deposit of in them.
(A) Fats
(B) Salt
(C) Calcium
(D) Plaque ✓

17. Justice delayed is justice
(A) Denied ✓
(B) Delayed
(C) Deprived
(D) Deferred

18. The capital of Morocco is:
(A) Casablanca
(B) Rabat ✓
(C) Marrakesh
(D) Tripoli

19. A voucher may be:
(A) Payment bill
(B) Wages Sheet
(C) Bank Receipt
(D) All of these ✓

20. Total number of districts in Punjab are:
(A) 32
(B) 35
(C) 34
(D) 36 ✓

21. ITAR-TASS is the news agency of:
(A) Italy
(B) Iran
(C) Russia ✓
(D) Bulgaria

22. At the time of partition of the sub-continent, who was the Ruler of Kashmir?
(A) Gulab Singh
(B) Hari Singh ✓
(C) Sheikh Abdullah
(D) None of these

23. The Headquarters of International Atomic Energy Agency is located in:
(A) Geneva
(B) Washington D.C.
(C) Vienna ✓
(D) Berlin

24. The Secretary-General of the United Nations at the time of invasion of Iraq in 2003 was:
(A) Boutros-Boutros Ghali
(B) Ban Ki-moon
(C) Kofi Annan ✓
(D) Mohammad Al-Baradei

25. Greenwich associated with Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) is situated in:
(A) Greenland
(B) Australia
(C) England ✓
(D) Finland

26. Mesopotamia is the old name of:
(A) Egypt
(B) Iraq ✓
(C) Ethiopia
(D) Greece

27. The next Summer Olympic Games are scheduled to take place in 2016 at:
(A) Los Angeles
(B) Vancouver
(C) Rio de Janeiro ✓
(D) Tokyo

28. The 1st Captain of Pakistan Cricket Team was:
(A) Nazar Muhammad
(B) Abdul Hafeez Kardar ✓
(C) Khan Muhammad
(D) Hanif Muhammad

29. National game of Japan is:
(A) Judo ✓
(B) Polo
(G) Boxing
(D) Cricket

30. “Margalla Hills” are a part of which mountain range?
(A) Karakoram
(B) Hindu Kush
(C) Lesser Himalaya ✓
(D) Western Ghats

31. Sher Shah Suri built the Rohtas Fort at the banks of river:
(A) Sutlej
(B) Jhelum
(C) Kahan ✓
(D) Chess

32. Wimbledon is a place famous for which game championships?
(A) Tennis ✓
(B) Football
(C) Hockey
(D) Chess

33. Doaba Rachna is located between the River Chenab and River:
(A) Ravi ✓
(B) Jhelum
(C) Indus
(D) Beas

34. In which river is the blind Dolphin found?
(A) Indus ✓
(B) Ravi
(C) Ganges
(D) Nile

35. The pass which connects Pakistan with China is known as:
(A) Khojak Pass
(B) KhunjrabPass ✓
(C) ShandurPass
(D) Pelwar Kotal Pass

36. Which Dam is constructed on River Jhelum?
(A) Warsak
(B) Mangla ✓
(C) Rawal
(D) Simli

37. State Bank of Pakistan was inaugurated on July 1st :
(A) 1948 ✓
(B) 1949
(C) 1950
(D) None of these

38. Kallar Kahar Lake is located in which district?
(A) Jheium
(B) Mianwali
(C) Chakwal ✓
(D) Bhakkar

39. Immediately before the formation of “One Unit* in West Pakistan, Bahawalpur enjoyed the status of a:
(A) Province ✓
(B) Divison
(C) Tehsil
(D) District

40. The last ruler of Bahawalpur state was:
(A) Salahuddin Abbasi
(B) Ameer Sadiq Muhammad V ✓
(C) Sardar Mahmud Khan
(D) Nawab Sir Sadiq Muhammad Khan Abbasi-IV

41. McMahon's Line is the border between:-
(A) Iran and Uzbekistan
(B) Pakistan and China
(C) Pakistan and Afghanistan
(D) India and China ✓

42. The Asian Development Bank has the Headquarters in:
(A) Manila ✓
(B) Kathmandu
(C) Colombo
(D) Tokyo

43. Choose the word which is nearer in meaning ' to the word, 'Palliate':
(A) Praise
(B) Renovate
(C) Alleviate ✓
(D) Blame

44. Choose the word which is nearer in meaning to the word ‘Rescind’:
(A) Revoke ✓
(B) Provoke
(C) Lasting only a year
(D) Every two years

45. Choose the word which is nearer in meaning to the word, 'Perpetual':
(A) Eternal ✓
(B) Standard
(C) Industrial
(D) Low

46. Choose the word which is the opposite in meaning to the word, "Arrival";
(A) Coming
(B) Departure ✓
(C) Loving
(D) Deprived

47. Choose the word which is the opposite in meaning to the word
(A) Waste ✓
(B) Economy
(C) Fruitful
(D) Helpful

48. Choose the word which is the opposite in meaning to the word, 'Intentional':
(A) Accidental ✓
(B) Occidental
(C) Frequently
(D) Thankfully

49. Which is the correct sentence:
(A) She was dressed with black
(B) She was dressed in black ✓
(C) She was dressed for black
(D) She was dressed of black

50. Pick the correct antonym of the word, 'Entice':
(A) Repel ✓
(B) Lure
(C) Charmed
(D) Enchanting

51. Find the word similar in meaning to the word, ‘Bizarre’:
(A) Unusual ✓
(B) Commercial
(C) Honour
(D) Quiet

52. Find the word similar in meaning to the word, 'Sluggish':
(A) Slung
(B) Slunk
(C) Slur
(D) Slow ✓

53. Find the word similar in meaning to the word, ‘Cogent’:
(A) Contemplative
(B) Persuasive
(C) Expository ✓
(D) Stable

54. Pick the word spelt correctly:
(A) Accept ✓
(B) Acept
(C) Assept
(D) Axcept

55. Mark the Synonym of “talent”:
(A) lofty
(B) load
(C) ability ✓
(D) style

56. Which one is the antonym of filthy:
(A) Nasty
(B) Offensive
(C) Clean ✓
(D) Rotten

57. What is the one word substitution for a person who is unable to pay his debt:
(A) Poor
(B) Vagabond
(C) Solvent
(D) Insolvent ✓

58. Pick the correct verb to fill the in the blank: His silence to refusal.
(A) tantamounts
(B) is tantamount ✓
(C) is tantamounting
(D) tantamounted

59. Pick the wrong word:
(A) Transpyre ✓
(B) Transfer
(C) Tranquil
(D) Tranquillity

60. GDP stands for:
(A) Gross Daily product
(B) Gross Domestic Product ✓
(C) Gross Domestic Purchase
(D) Gross Daily Purchase

61. Financial year of Pakistan closes on:
(A) December 31
(B) March 31
(C) June 30 ✓
(D) September 30

62. ______ is an input device?
(A) Speaker
(B) Printer
(C) Keyboard

63.  is an Output device?
(A) Joystick
(B) Monitor
(C) Printer
(D) Scanner ✓

64. _____is a processor?
(B) Modem
(C) Pentium ✓

65. Who was the 1st Woman Ruler of Indian subcontinent?
(A) Razia Sultana ✓
(B) Chand Bibi
(C) Nur Jahan
(D) Mumtaz Mahal

66. The largest Islamic country by area is:
(A) Pakistan
(B) Sudan
(C) Kazakhstan ✓
(D) Malaysia

67. Objectives Resolution was adopted on:
(A) March 11,1949
(B) March 12,1949 ✓
(C) March 13,1949
(D) March 14,1949

68. Who was the last Governor General and 1st President of Pakistan?
(A) Ghulam Muhammad
(B) Kh. Nazim ud Din
(C) Iskander Mirza ✓
(D) Malik Feroze Khan Noon

69. The executive head of the province is:
(A) Governor
(B) Speaker
(C) President
(D) Chief Minister ✓

70. The first Prime Minister of Pakistan was:
(A) Kh. Nazim ud Din Ghulam Muhammad
(B) Liaqat Ali Khan ✓
(C) Muhammad Ali Bogra
(D) 11 Chundrigar

71. ECO is abbreviation of:
(A) Economic Cooperation Organization ✓
(B) Education Coopeation Organization
(C) Environmental Cooperation Organization
(D) Ethical Cooperation Organization

72. ‘White goods’ are:
(A) Basic raw materials
(B) Durable consumption goods
(C) Cosmetic articles
(D) Goods imported from foreign countries ✓

73. Who invented the telephone?
(A) Graham Bell ✓
(B) Pascal
(C) Spenser
(D) Colt

74. Albert Einstein was a:
(A) Physicist ✓
(B) Physician
(C) Chemist
(D) Biologist

75. Diabetes is caused due to malfunctioning of:
(A) Pancreas ✓
(B) Kidney
(C) Liver
(D) Spleen

76. Dialysis is used when a patient has serious trouble with:
(A) Kidneys ✓
(B) Liver
(C) Heart
(D) Gall Bladder

77. Flat bones are found in:
(A) Chest & Skull ✓
(B) Neck
(C) Hand
(D) Legs

78. IMF stands for:
(A) Indian Mills Federation
(B) Indian Monetary Fund
(C) International Monetary Fund ✓
(D) None of these

79. The origin of the game of Golf is attributed to:
(A) Ireland ✓
(B) Scotland
(C) Finland
(D) Denmark

80. Which country is the largest wool producer in the World?
(A) Canada
(B) Australia ✓
(C) Sri Lanka
(D) China

81. Holy Prophet (PBUH) was bom in ?
(A) 568 A.D
(B) 569 A.D
(C) 570 A.D
(D) 571 A.D ✓

82. How old was the Holy Prophet (PBUH) at the time of the death of his mother?
(A) 3
(B) 6 ✓
(C) 7
(D) 8

83. Which Surah of Holy Quran was the first to be revealed?
(A) AlHamd
(B) Al Baqrah
(C) Al Alaq ✓
(D) Al Rahman

84. Who has been titled as Saifullah?
(A) HazratAli
(B) Hazrat Umer
(C) Hazrat Khalid bin Waleed ✓
(D) Hazrat Usman

85.   is the 2nd month of Muslim Calendar?
(A) Rajab
(B) Safar ✓
(C) Ramzan
(D) Zlqa'ad

86. When was Hajj made obligatory?
(A) 2 A.H
(B) 5 A.H
(C) 7 A.H
(D) 9 A.H ✓

87. Which Kalimah is recited at the time of Nikah*?
(A) First ✓
(B) Second
(C) Third
(D) All the six

88. Pick out the Kalimah which is without a ‘dot’?
(A) First Kalimah ✓
(B) Second Kalimah
(C) Third Kalimah
(D) Fourth Kalimah

89. Give the name of the Surah of Holy Quran which Hazrat Umar heard from his sister and later on accepted Islam at the hands of the Holy Prophet (PBUH)?
(A) Surah Taha ✓
(B) Surah Maryam
(C) Surah Yousaf
(D) Surah Baqrah

90. Which Sahabi enjoyed the title of Zun Nurain?
(A) Hazrat Usman (RA) ✓
(B) Hazrat Khalid bin Walid (RA)
(C) Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique (RA)
(D) Hazrat Abdullah Bin Umar (RA)

بابائے اردو مولوی عبدالحق کا عہد بتائیے؟
(B)  ✓

سب سے پہلا آدم جی ادبی انعام کتاب خدا کی بستی کو ملا مصنف کا نام بتائیے؟
(A) اے حمید
(B) انیس ناگی
(C) صادق الخیری
(D) شوکت صدیقی ✓

ترجمان القرآن کس مشہور ادیب کی تفسیر قرآن ہے؟
(A) الطاف حسین حالی
(B) شبلی نعمالی
(C) سلمان ندوی
(D) ابوالکلام آزاد ✓

آب حیات تنقید اور تذکرہ کی ایک مستند کتاب خیال کی جاتی ہے اس کے مصنف کانام بتائیے؟
(A) ریاض احمد
(B) شاہد احمد دہلوی
(C) محمد ذکر علی خان
(D) مولانا محمد حسین آزاد ✓

یادوں کی بارات کے نام سے کس مشہور اردو شاعر اردو شاعر نے انی  سوانح عمری لکھی؟
(A) منیر نیازی
(B) جگر مراد آبادی
(C) نظیر اکبر آبادی
(D) جوش ملیح آبادی ✓

مشہور ادیب مولانا محمد علی جوہر کون سا انگریزی اخبار نکالا کرتے تھے؟
(A) الہلال
(B) دی سٹار
(C) انڈین نیوز
(D) کامریڈ ✓

چشم دید کے نام سے پاکستان کے کسی وزیراعظم نے کتاب لکھی؟
(A) ملک فیروز خان نون ✓
(B) آئی ئی چندریگر
(C) خواجہ ناظم الدن
(D) چوہدری محمد علی

کون سی ادبی شخصیت 1914 میں سیالکوٹ میں پیدا ہوئے اور لاہور میں وفات پائی؟
(A) علامہ اقبال
(B) صوفی غلام مصطفیٰ تبسم
(C) فیض احمد فیض ✓
(D) احمد ندیم قاسمی

مرزا غالب کا سال وفات کون سا تھا؟
(A) 1869 ✓
(B) 1875
(C) 1880
(D) 1885

مسجد قرطبہ کس شاعر کے مجموعہ میں شامل ہے؟
(A) علامہ اقبال ✓
(B) حفیظ جالندھری
(C) فیض احمد فیض
(D) قیتل شفائی
PPSC Labor Officer Solved Past Paper 2015

PPSC Labor Officer Solved Past Papers 2014

1. Islamabad is part of which province?
(A) Sindh
(B) KP
(C) Punjab
(D) None of these ✓

2. Which country used to be called the “Sick Man of Europe" during the late 19th and early 20th Century?
(A) France
(B) Portugal
(C) Turkey ✓
(D) Iran

3. 1 inch is approximately equivalent to how many millimeters?
(A) 20
(B) 25 ✓
(C) 30
(D) 50

4. Which out of them is a Nobel Peace Prize winner?
(A) Jamal Abdul Nasir
(B) King Hussain of Jordan
(C) Raza Shah Pahelvi
(D) Yasser Arafat ✓

5. Who was the second President of USA?
(A) Thomas Jefferson
(B) James Madison
(C) James Monroe
(D) John Adams ✓

6. Which Is the largest (area wise) airport’ of the world?
(A) Kennedy Airport, New York
(B) Heathrow Airport, London
(C) Schiphol Airport, Amsterdam
(D) King Fahid Airport Dammam ✓
King Fahd International Airport (KFIA) in Dammam, Saudi Arabia is the largest airport in the world covering an area of 78,000 hectares.
7. "Olive Branch" Is symbol of:
(A) Prosperity
(B) Strength
(C) Peace ✓
(D) Success

8. “KLM" is the main airline of which country?
(A) Netherlands ✓
(B) France
(C) Spain
(D) Germany

9. Who discovered the sea route from Europe to India?
(A) Christopher Columbus
(B) Marco Polo
(C) Vasco De Gama ✓
(D) Sir Francis Drake

10. The Headquarter of UNESCO is:
(A) Vienna
(B) Paris ✓
(C) New York
(D) London

11. NPT is the abbreviation of:
(A) Non-proliferation Treaty ✓
(B) Neo-proliferation Treaty
(C) Non-proliferation Trust
(D) None of these

12. Who was the first Secretary General of OIC?
(A) Hassan Al-Touhami
(B) Tanku Abdul Rahman ✓
(C) Syed Sharif-ud-Din Pirzada
(D) Habib Chatty

13. Which country exercised veto power the most in Security Council of the U.N.O?
(A) USSR/Russia ✓
(C) UK
(D) China

14. Which is the most populous city in the world?
(A) Moscow
(B) Tokyo
(C) Shanghai ✓
(D) None of these

15. Which country is the largest producer of wheat?
(A) America
(B) China ✓
(C) Russia
(D) India

16. The brightest planet in the solar system is:
(A) Venus ✓
(B) Jupiter
(6) Earth
(D) Neptune

17. Warsaw is the capital of:
(A) Romania
(B) Bulgaria
(C) Hungary
(D) Poland ✓

18. The currency of Turkey is called:
(A) Dirham
(B) Lira ✓
(C) Peso
(D) Riyal

19. Which is the largest desert of the world?
(A) Gobi
(B) Thar
(C) Sonoran
(D) Sahara ✓

20. Shashi Tharoor is the latest biographer of:
(A) Nehru ✓
(B) Gandhi
(C) Sheikh Mujib-ur-Rehman
(D) Indra Gandhi

21. Per capita water availability in Pakistan is:
(A) decreasing ✓
(B) constant
(C) increasing
(D) fluctuating

22. The scientists have estimated the age of Universe as:
(A) 13 billion years ✓
(B) 25 billion years
(C) 11 billion years
(D) None of these

23. Which is the deepest Ocean of the world?
(A) Arctic
(B) Indian
(C) Atlantic
(D) Pacific ✓

24. Who presented the “Theory of Evolution”?
(A) Dr. Paui Muller
(B) Charles Darwin ✓
(C) Edward Jenner

25. Industrial Revolution started with the Invention of:
(A) Wheel
(B) Steam engine
(C) Spinning Jenny ✓
(D) Aeroplane

26. The Greek epics "Iliad" and “Odyssey” were written by:
(A) Homer ✓
(B) Euclid
(C) Aristotle
(D) Plato

27. “Dhyan Chand” was a legend of:
(A) Cricket
(B) Hockey ✓
(C) Football
(D) Athletics

28. Solar Eclipse occurs when:
(A) Earth comes between sun and moon
(B) Moon is at right angles to the earth
(C) Moon comes between sun and earth ✓
(D) Sun somes between moon and earth

29. The capital of Belgium is:
(A) Brussels ✓
(B) Manchester
(C) Zurich
(D) Bonn

30. “Interpol” is the:
(A) UNO's global uplift plan
(B) International Criminal Police ✓
(C) Agency for environmental protection
(D) Forum to settle inter-country water disputes

31. Which river is most often mentioned in the Bible?
(A) Colorado
(B) Jordan ✓
(C) Darling
(D) Ganges

32. “Good consists in creating the greatest happiness for the largest number of people”. This theory is termed as:
(A) Utilitarianism ✓
(B) Aristotellanism
(C) Humanism
(D) Pragmatism

33. “Burj-al-Khallfa” _____ the tallest standing structure at present is located at:
(A) Jaddah
(B) Cairo
(C) Doha
(D) Dubai ✓

34. Who Invented dynamite?
(A) Dr. Alfred B. Nobel ✓
(B) H.W. Seeley
(C) Lionel Lukin
(D) Roger Bacon

35. “Fungus” Is a Latin word which means:
(A) party
(B) sky
(C) mushrooms ✓
(D) beast

36. “Dermatology” is a branch of medical science which deals with:
(A) digestion problems
(B) skin diseases ✓
(C) hair plantation
(D) nervous tension

37. “My life — a fragment" is a book written by:
(Al Syed Ameer Ali
(B) Abu-al-Kalam Azad
(C) Jawahar Lal Nehru
(D) Maulana Muhammad Ali Jauhar ✓

38. “Magna Carta” Is signed by King John of England In 1215 declared that:
(A) England Is the greatest country of Europe
(B) the King Is subject to law ✓
(C) London will be England's capital
(D) the English Crown will remain forever

39. “Pravda” Is the most Important Newspaper of which country?
(A) Iran
(B) Canada
(C) Germany
(D) Russia ✓

40. Which of the following is not an official language of the U.N.O?
(A) English
(B) French
(C) Chinese
(D) Japanese ✓

41. Which Is the biggest forex-earner of Pakistan out of the following:
(A) Cotton ✓
(B) expatriates
(C) Sugar
(D) sports goods

42. Pakistan's national flower is:
(A) Rose
(B) Jasmin ✓
(C) Touch me not
(D) None of these

43. Pakistan won the cricket world cup in:
(A) 1996
(B) 1986
(C) 1992 ✓
(D) 2000

44. Who built the “Rohatas Fort” near Jhelum?
(A) Akbar
(B) Sher Shah Suri ✓
(C) Shah Jahan
(D) Shahab-ud-din Gauri

45. From which country Pakistan purchased Gawader?
(A) Iran
(B) Russia
(C) Kuwait
(D) Oman ✓

46. “The Sole Spokesman" was written by:
(A) Dr. Waheed-uz-Zaman
(B) Musarrat Hussain Zubalri
(C) Hector Bolltho
(D) Ayehsa Jalal ✓

47. Choudhary Rehmat All published his pamphlet “Now or Never" in:
(A) 1922
(B) 1933 ✓
(C) 1937
(D) 1942

48. The length of Indo-Pak border is:
(A) 1600 km
(B) 2240 km ✓
(C) 2500 km
(D) 1000 km

49. Pakistan's capital was shifted from Karachi to Islamabad In:
(A) 1854
(B) 1958
(C) 1964 ✓
(D) 1968

50. The second Chief Minister of Punjab was:
(A) Iftikhar Hussain Khan Mumdot 
(B) Mian Mumtaz Daultana ✓
(C) Feroz Khan Noon
(D) Abdul Hamid Khan Dasti

51. Baluchistan attained the status of a province In:
(A) 1970 ✓
(B) 1973
(C) 1977
(D) 1985

52. Which of the following served as a Caretaker Prime Minister of Pakistan?
(A) Llaqat Ail Khan
(B) Ch. Shujaat Hussain
(C) Zafar Ullah Jamall
(D) Ghulam Mustafa Jatol ✓

53. Who was the first President (speaker) of Pakistan’s National Assembly? 
(A) Maulvl Tamlzuddln Khan
(B) Quaid-I-Azam Muhammad Ail Jinnah  ✓
(C) Abdul Wahab Khan
(D) Abdul Jabbar Khan

54. Who was the first recipient of Nlshan-i-Halder?
(A) Captain Muhammad Sarwar ✓
(B) Major Tufall Muhammad
(C) Major Muhammad Akram
(D) None of these

55. National Defence University (NDU) of Pakistan is located at:
(A) Karachi
(B) Lahore
(C) Rawalpindi ✓
(D) Quetta

56. A Colonel of Pakistan army Is equal to which rank of Navy?
(A) Captain ✓
(B) Lieutenant
(C) Commander
(D) Commodore

57. In 1905 which Important event of Indian history took place:
(A) Formation of All-lndia Muslim League
(B) Partition of Bengal ✓
(C) Minto-Morley Reforms
(D) None of these

58. "Jallianwala Bagh" is located in:
(A) Lahore
(B) Delhi
(C) Lucknow
(D) Amritsar ✓

59. Pakistan Resolution of 1940 was seconded by:
(A) Chaudhry Khaliq-uz-Zaman ✓
(B) Maulvi Fazal-ul-Haq
(C) Muhammad Ali Jinnah
(D) Liaqat All Khan

60. "Hindu Mahasaba* was:
(A) a committee to hold accountability of Hindu leadership
(B) an extremist Hindu organization ✓
(C) a religious council to revive original form of Hinduism
(D) None of these

61. On 16th August 1946; what was observed on the call of Muslim League?
(A) Deliverance day
(B) independence day
(C) Yum-l-Shaukhat-l-lslam
(D) Direct Action day ✓

62. Out of following early problems of Pakistan; which one had no connection with India? 
(A) Division of financial and military assets
(B) Kashmir Issue
(C) Language problem ✓
(D) Canal water dispute

63. The Bicameral legislature was first time introduced vide constitution of:
(A) 1973 ✓
(B) 1962
(C) 1956
(D) Provisional Constitution of 1972

64. Which Pass out of the following connects Pakistan with China?
(A) Killk Pass
(B) Khunjrab Pass ✓
(C) Badawai Pass
(D) Khan Kun Pass

65. Which city has highest mean annual rainfall?
(A) Murree ✓
(B) Lasbelia
(C) Sialkot
(D) Chitral

66. “Eye Wash" means:
(A) some one's beloved
(B) deceit ✓
(C) fondness of vising new places
(D) a woman with a bright face

67. Exports in Chemicals and^ugar sectors have a phenomenal rise this year.
(A) projected
(B) proclaimed
(C) registered ✓
(D) declared

68. Which out of the following Is not a novel by Thomas Hardy?
(A) The Return of the Native
(B) Tess of the D'Urbervllles
(C) The Winner Stands Alone ✓
(D) Under the Greenwood tree

69. Which one out of the following is not a synonym of "exactness"?
(A) fauitnessness
(B) accuracy
(C) correctness
(D) imprecision ✓

70. A specialist who measures your eyesight is
(A) optician ✓
(B) ophthalmologist
(C) optometrist
(D) None of these

71. He was a fair-minded person and whenever he arbitrated, his verdict was
(A) misinformed
(B) prejudiced
(C) detrimental
(D) disinterested ✓

72. A person who studies rocks and soils is a ____________.
(A) botanist
(B) geologist ✓
(C) archaeologist
(D) geophysicist

73. Which of the following is not an antonym of “marvellous"?
(A)  ✓

74. To play into another's hand is to put oneself under another’s 
(A) possession 
(B) game
(C) plot
(D) control ✓

75. “Lingua Franca* means
(A) a beautiful girl
(B) a difficult exam
(C) an unknown person
(D) a common language ✓

76. How many amendments have been made in the original draft of Constitution of 1973; up till now?
(A) 19
(B) 20
(C) 21 ✓
(D) 18

77. The Constitution of Pakistan is comprised of how many parts.
(A) X
(B) V
(C) XII ✓
(D) XX

78. The Constitution of 1973 came into force on:
(A) 14th August 1973 ✓
(B) 10th April 1973
(C) 12th April 1973
(D) None of these

79. When National Assembly and Senate are referred together, they are termed as:
(A) Majills-e-Shoora
(B) Parliament
(C) Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament) ✓
(D) None of these

80. Under which article of the Constitution; ft’s abrogation, subversion or suspension have been declared a “high treason”?
(A) 9
(B) 3
(C) 6 ✓
(D) 10

81. Chapter-I of the Part-ll of the Constitution exclusively deals with:
(A) Election of the President
(B) Fundamental Rights ✓
(C) Provincial Assemblies
(D) Financial Matters

82. Pakistan's Constitution provides protection against retrospective punishment: 
(A) yes ✓
(B) No
(C) Not mentioned
(D) is vague

83. The Constitution of Pakistan guarantees:
(A) Equality of citizens
(B) Preservation of language, script and culture
(C) Protection of property rights
(D) All of these ✓

84. The President of Pakistan can hold office for:
(A) only one term of five years
(B) Two consecutive terms ✓
(C) an unlimited period
(D) None of these

85. According to the present form of Constitution the govt, can hold a referendum on any of national importance:
(A) Yes ✓
(B) No
(C) Vaaue
(D) not mentioned

86. A Prime Minister against whom a motion of no confidence has been tabled can advise the President to dissolve the National Assembly:
(A) No ✓
(B) Yes
(C) Not Mentioned
(D) Not clear In the Constitution

87. A person shall be disqualified from being elected or chosen as, and from being a member of the parliament If:
(A) he Is an undischarged insolvent
(B) he holds an office of profits In the service of Pakistan
(C) he has been convicted for any offence involving moral turpitude
(D) all of these ✓

88. Only that person can be appointed as Attorney General of Pakistan who is eligible for appointment is:
(A) Judge of the High Court
(B) Judge of the Supreme Court ✓
(C) Ombudsman
(D) Chairman of Islamic Ideology Council

89. A provincial govt, can construct power houses and grid stations and lay transmission lines for use within the province:
(A) yes ✓
(B) no
(C) not mentioned
(D) vaguely mentioned

90. Under Article 160 of the Constitution the distribution of Revenues between the Federation and the Province is made by:
(A) Cabinet Committee on Finance
(B) Chief Justice of Pakistan
(C) President as per recommendation of Finance Secretary
(D) National Finance Commission ✓

91. In result of Supreme Court’s decision in 1988, the Bonded Labour Abolition Act was passed in:
(A) 1989
(B) 1992 ✓
(C) 1994
(D) None of these

92. Pakistani Labour Laws* define a ’Child’ as' anyone under the age of: 
(A) 15
(B) 16
(C) 20
(D) 10

93. Pakistan's estimated labour force stands approximately at:
(A) 62.00 million
(B) 4.52 million 
(C) 51.78 million ✓
(D) 09.00 million

94. Which article of the Pakistan's Constitution has prohibited all forms of forced labour in human beings?
(A) 11 ✓
(B) 19
(C) 27
(D) none of these

95. Article 17 of the Pakistan's Constitution:
(A) allows every citizen to form associations or unions ✓
(B) declares that all citizens are equal before law
(C) guarantees well being of citizens without discrimination
(D) All of them

96. Application for registration of a trade union is to be submitted before:
(A) DCO of the district
(B) Registrar of Trade Unions ✓
(C) IG Police
(D) Secretary Labour

97. Which organ of the UNO deals with the affairs of Labours at International level? *
(D) ILO ✓

98. According to Pakistan laws “Collective bargaining” is:
(A) legal ✓
(B) illegal
(C) conditionally legal
(D) not dearly mentioned any where

99. A strike/lockout is illegal if it is:
(A) commenced without giving notice to other party
(B) continued despite prohibition orders by the Competent Authority
(C) continued In a period when settlement of award is in operation
(D) All of them ✓

100. Labour Judiciary is:
(A) Local Labour Courts
(B) Labour Appellate Tribunals
(C) National Industrial Relations Commission
(D) All of them ✓

PPSC Solved Past Paper
Punjab Public Service Commission Written Test for Recruitment to the Post of LABOUR OFFICER (BS-16) - 2011

1. Freedom of Association is guaranteed through:
(a) Through Presidential Order
(B) As a Fundamental Right ✓
(C) By the Chief Election Commissioner
(D) By the Principles of Policy given in the Constitution

2. An action or law which is against the Principles of Policy
(A) Can be questioned for this contradiction
(B) Cannot be questioned for this contradiction
(C) Is invalid law promulgation ✓

3. The Fundamental Rights are enforceable through:
(A) The Supreme Court only
(B) The High Court
(C) Both (A) and (B) ✓
(D) The Parliament

4. The Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament) consists of:
(A) National and Provincial Assemblies
(B) The Prime Minister and the National Assembly
(C) The President, National Assembly and the Senate ✓
(D) The Joint Session of National and Provincial Assemblies

5. If the Prime Minister intends to resign, he may address his resignation to:
(A) The Speaker, National Assembly
(B) The Chairman Senate
(C) The President ✓
(D) None of them

6. The Lower House of the Parliament is:
(A) The Senate
(B) The National Assembly ✓
(C) A Provincial Assembly
(D) Combination of Provincial Assemblies

7. The Governor is appointed by:
(A) The Prime Minister
(B) The Chief Minister
(C) The President ✓
(D) The National Assembly

8. The Constitution Committee for the 1973 Constitution consisted of:
(A) The Members of Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP)
(B) The Members of PPP and its election sites
(C) All the Political Parties ✓
(D) The President, the Prime Minister and four Chief Ministers

9. The Session of Senate is presided over by:
(A) The President
(B) The Speaker
(C) The Chairman ✓
(D) None of these

10. The Chief Election Commissioner is appointed for a term of:
(A) Five years
(B) As determined by the President
(C) Same term as is of the assemblies
(D) Three years ✓

11. Since its promulgation the constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan 1973 has been amended*:
(A) 19 times ✓
(B) 18 times
(C) 16 times
(D) 14 times

12. The name Islamic Republic of Pakistan was given in the:
(A) Constitution of 1973
(B) Zia-ul-Haq regime
(C) Constitution of 1962
(D) Constitution of 1956 ✓

13. The Objective Resolution was made part of substantive provisions of the Constitution of 1973:
(A) At the time of its promulgation in 1973
(B) By Presidential Order 14 of 1985 (Revival of Constitution Order) ✓
(C) Through amendments made in the Constitution in 1975
(D) Through a resolution of the Parliament (Majlis-e-Shoora)


14. Pick the correct word:
(A) Formdible
(B) Formidable ✓
(C) Firmdable
(D) Pharmidable

15. Mark the sentence which is with correct preposition:
(A) He was entitled for inherit of his father
(B) He was entitled to inherit his father ✓
(C) He was entitled on inheritance of his father
(D) He was entitled with inheritance of his father

16. Mark the synonym of "chair":
(A) Pedestal
(B) Boasting
(C) Seat ✓
(D) Pride

17. Choose the correct sentence:
(A) She resembles to her mother
(B) She resembles with her sister
(C) She resembles her cousin ✓
(D) The two brothers resemble on each other

18. Which one is the antonym of Fugitive?
(A) Immigrant
(B) Refugee
(C) Absconder
(D) Captive ✓

19. In a sentence “no sooner'’ is always followed by:
(A) That
(B) As
(C) Than ✓
(D) Then

20. One who is capable of dealing with many subjects is called:
(A) Genius
(B) Intellectual
(C) Versatile ✓
(D) Vulnerable

21. What is the one word substitution for a person who is unable to pay his debt:
(A) Poor
(B) Vagabond
(C) Solvent
(D) Insolvent ✓

22. His silence to refusal.
(A) Tantamount
(B) is tantamount ✓
(C) is tantamounting
(D) tantamounted

23. Pick the wrong word:
(A) Transpyre ✓
(B) Transfer
(C) Tranquil
(D) Tranquillity

24. The husband ruled by his wife is called:
(A) Penpricked
(B) Henpecked ✓
(C) Indebted
(D) Liquidator

25. The workman may seek indulgence the Labour Court for his guaranteed rights:
(A) Of
(B) To
(C) By
(D) From ✓

26. Which is the correct sentence:
(A) I am sick by your lies
(B) I am sick of your lies ✓
(C) I am sick from your lies
(D) I am sick to your lies

27. Which Is the correct sentence?
(A) He brushed on hiy argument
(B) He brushed aside my argument
(C) He brushed to my argument
(D) He brushed over my argument ✓

28. The swimmers should avoid a contaminated swimming pool.
(A) Entering
(B) being entered
(C) to enter ✓
(D) have entered

29. The noun form of the verb “excite" is:
(A) Exciting
(B) excited
(C) excitatement
(D) excitement ✓

30. The construction of Wullar Barrage shall result in:
(A) Scratching the canal irrigation in Pakistan
(B) Threat to defence measures ✓
(C) Minimizing energy production
(D) All of these

31. Sir Creek denotes:
(A) A mountain top in Northern area
(B) An ice berg of Siachen
(C) An island in Indian Ocean ✓
(D) None of these

32. Kashmir is important because of:
(A) Strategic location ✓
(B) Mountain range of Uranium
(C) Trade spot
(D) All of these

33. Diplomatic relations between Pakistan and Afghanistan were severed.
(A) In 1961 ✓
(B) In 2010
(C) Never
(D) In every decade after 1947

34. Census in Pakistan is held:
(A) Every year
(B) After every 3 years
(C) After every 5 years
(D) Once in ten years ✓

35. Hatf III Missile is also called:
(A) Abdali Missile
(B) A.Q. Missile
(C) Ghaznavi Missile ✓
(D) Shaheen Missile

36. National Reconciliation Ordinance (NRO) was promulgated in the year:
(A) 2008
(B) 2005
(C) 2007 ✓
(D) 2009

39. The largest spoken language in Pakistan is:
(A) Urdu
(B) Punjabi ✓
(C) Sindhi
(D) Pushto

40. The Province with longest coast line:
(A) Sind
(B) Baluchistan ✓
(C) Punjab
(D) Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

41. The largest artificial/grown forest of Pakistan:
(A) Chitral
(B) Gadon
(C) Chhanga Managa ✓
(D) Bannu

42. Shaiwal is the name of:
(A) A District of Punjab Province ✓
(B) A sub Division of Distt. Sargodha
(C) Both (a) & (b)
(D) The capital of old Rajwara State


43. A Trade Union is an association:
(A) For the welfare of the Traders
(B) For the right of the workmen ✓
(C) For collection of funds
(D) For enrichment of the labour leaders

44. Under the Punjab Industrial Relations Act, 2010, an appeal against a decision of the Labour Court lies:
(A) To the Senior Labor Court
(B) To the High Court
(C) To the National Industrial Commission
(D) To the Appellate Tribunal ✓

45. The function of the Labour Court is:
(A) To decide an industrial dispute
(B) To supervise a settlement between employer and workmen
(C) Both (A) & (B) ✓
(D) To supervises elections of C.B.A

46. The CBA (Collective Bargaining Agent) is:
(A) An organization of the Employers
(B) Constituted by Presidents of Labour Unions
(C) Determined by workmen through secret ballot ✓
(D) None of these

47. The Punjab Industrial Relations Act 2010:
(A) Has re-organized the National Industrial Relations Commission (NIRC)
(B) Has abolished the NIRC
(C) Has curtailed the jurisdiction of NIRC ✓
(D) Has enhanced the functions of NIRC

48. The child labour is:
(A) Prohibited under the Constitution ✓
(B) Permissible only in Football industry
(C) Permissible for limited period with the approval of the Social Welfare Officer
(D) Permissible under the law in under developed areas

49. Under the Punjab Industrial Relations Act, 2010 an unfair labour practice is:
(A) An offence cognizable by the Police
(B) Actionable before the NIRC
(C) Actionable before the Labour Court ✓
(D) Exclusively actionable before the Punjab Labour Appellate Tribunal

50. For the service of charge sheet against misconduct of a workman, the Industrial and Commercial Establishment (Standing Orders) Ordinance, 1968 has prescribed a period of:
(A) 15 days
(B) 30 days ✓
(C) 45 days
(D) There is no limitation
51. Under the Constitution the employment of children is prohibited below the age of:
(A) 10 years
(B) 12 years
(C) 14 years ✓
(D) 16 years

52. The Headquarter of the International Labour Organization is established in:
(A) italy
(B) U.K.
(C) Switzerland ✓
(D) U.S.A.


53. The juncture where two segments of the River Nile known as “Nilain" joint together is in:
(A) Egypt
(B) Sudan ✓
(C) Palestine
(D) Jordan

54. Egypt is situated in the continent of:
(A) Asia
(B) Africa ✓
(C) Europe
(D) Other than these three

55. "Google" is:
(A) A famous sport brand
(B) A transport agency
(C) An internet search engine ✓
(D) A European Trade Union

56. D.M.S (Document Management System) includes:
(A) Word Processing
(B) Desktop Publishing ✓
(C) None of (A) & (B)
(D) Both(A)&(B)

57. In the Nuclear field N.P.T stands for:
(A) Non Polluting Test
(B) Non Proliferation Treaty ✓
(C) Net Particles Tube
(D) Neuro Person Text

58. Alumni denotes:
(A) Plural of Aluminium substance
(B) A former student ✓
(C) Celebration of Trade Unionism
(D) Renowned education institution

59. By the term “Third World” we understand:
(A) Third Party insurance companies
(B) Non-aligned countries
(C) Under developed countries ✓
(D) South Africa

60. The International Atomic Energy Agency has its Headquarters in:
(A) Geneva
(B) Canberra
(C) Paris
(D) Vienna ✓

61. Ban Ki Mon Is the:
(A) President Security Council
(B) Prime Minister of Japan
(C) Secretary General U.N.O ✓
(D) U.N. Disaster Management Representative

62. Jam-e-AI Azhar, one of the oldest universities Is located In:
(A) Iraq
(B) Jordan
(C) Egypt ✓
(D) Spain

63. The author of the book “Aawaz-I-Dost" is:
(A) Sir Sayyed Ahmad Khan
(B) Altaf Hussain Hali
(C) Josh Malih Abadi
(D) Mukhtar Masud ✓


64. The Zakat rate on Diamonds is:
(A) 2.5% ✓
(B) 5%
(C) 10%
(D) 20%

65. The Primary subject or theme and thesis of the Qur'an is:
(A) The man/human beings ✓
(B) The battles and their effects
(C) The injunction of Prayer (Nimaz), Zakat and Hajj
(D) The narration of Devil’s disobedience

66. The number of prisoners of war in Jang-e-Badr was:
(A) 47
(B) 71
(C) 73
(D) 70 ✓

67. Shab-e-Abi Talab (a valley near Macca) was:
(A) The refuge of Muslims against social boycott ✓
(B) An important trade passage
(C) A farm House of Abi Talab
(D) A lake for storage of water

68. Ushr and Khums are:
(A) Two months of Islamic Calendar
(B) Two kinds of Tax in Islam ✓
(C) Two prominent warriors of Islam
(D) None of these

69. The maximum number of Huffaz-e-Qur’an were martyred in the:
(A) Jang-e-Khandaq
(B) Jang-e-Uhad
(C) Jang-e-Yamama ✓
(D) Other than these three

70. Who was named as Brain of Arabia by the Prophet (PBUH):
(A) Hazrat Ali (RA)
(B) Hazrat Umar
(C) Hazrat Umro Bin Al Aas ✓
(D) Hazrat Abu Haraira

71. The First written constitution in the Islamic History is:
(A) Last Address of the Prophet at Hajj
(B) The Hudabia settlement
(C) The Treaty (Misaq) of Madina ✓
(D) Aaeen-e-Akbari or the Mughal era

72. Muttaficf Alae Tradidition (Hadith) of Prophet (PBUH) is the one reported by:
(A) Imam Bukhari and Imam Muslim ✓
(B) Imam Ahmad Bln Hunmbal
(C) Imam Jaffer Sadiq
(D) Imam Malik

73. The Holy Quran contains Makkl and Madnl Suras. The Madni Suras have Emphasis are: (A) Ghazwat (Battles participated by the Prophet (PBUH))
(B) Laws of nature
(C) The social and religious laws and values ✓
(D) The historical facts

74. Ghazwa (battle) Furqan is the name for:
(A) Battle of Badar ✓
(B) Battle of Uhad
(C) Battle of Qaadsia
(D) Battle of Jama

75. Surah Al-Kausar is the shortest Surah of the Holy Quran. The number of its verses (Ayaa't) is:
(A) Three ✓
(B) Four
(C) Five
(D) Less than three

76. Which Surah is called “Ummul Kitab":
(A) Al-Baqra
(B) Al-Yasin
(C) Al-Fateha ✓
(D) Al-Rehman

77. The name of the Hill over which “Khutba Hajja-tul Wida* was delivered by the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W):
(A) Safa
(B) Marwa
(C) Jabl-i-Rehmat ✓
(D) None of these

78. The Holy Book “Zaboor" was revealed on which Prophet of Allah:
(A) Moosa (A.S)
(B) Ibrahim (A.S)
(C) Daud (A.S) ✓
(D) Ishaq (A.S)

79. The appropriation of Zakat on the construction of a mosque is:
(A) Valid expenditure
(B) Invalid expenditure ✓
(C) Permissible for limited purpose
(D) Permissible under the authority of the Head of the State


80. Hepatitis “C” is disease of:
(A) Lungs
(B) Kidney
(C) Abdomen
(D) Liver ✓

81. Discovery of Solar System is attributed to:
(A) Columbus
(B) Edison
(C) Copernicus ✓
(D) American Astronomers

82. Radioactive waves were discovered by:
(A) Al-Beruni
(B) Einstein
(C) Newton
(D) None of them ✓

83. Uphill journey makes the man bend forward to ensure:
(A) High Speed
(B) Stability ✓
(C) Avoiding fatigue
(D) Avoiding the beasts

84. The richest source of vitamin “D” is:
(A) Milk
(B) Orange
(C) Vegetable Oil
(D) Cod Liver Oil ✓

85. Cubic Meter is the unit of measurement of:
(A) Rain
(B) Snowfall
(C) Volume ✓
(D) Width of a substance

86. Angiography and Angioplasty mean:
(A) One single process
(B) Plastic surgery
(C) Two different but inter related processes ✓
(D) Diagnosis of diabetes

87. Heat of sun-rays to earth is reduced by:
(A) Oxygen
(B) Nitrogen
(C) Ozone ✓
(D) None of these

88. A “Drone" can be traced by:
(A) Radar ✓
(B) Laser
(C) Ultra Sound Waves
(D) Laptop

89. Odour (smell) is a component of the cooking gas. It is:
(A) Natural
(B) Added during excavation ✓
(C) Sometimes natural
(D) Sometimes artificial

90. In the Computer Science RAM stands for:
(A) Ready Access Memory
(B) Read all Memory
(C) Random Access Memory ✓
(D) Repeat all Memory

91. The unit that controls all parts of computer is:
(B) CPU ✓
(D) CD


92. A farmer pas 10% of the yield as Tax to the local council. If the quantity of the Tax is 100 K.G. what is the total yield:
(A) 1,00,000 K.G.
(B) 10,000 K.G.
(C) 1000 K.G. ✓
(D) 10,00,000 K.G.

93. The price of an article if increased by 25%, the percentage of consumption to be decreased for maintaining the same expenditure would be:
(A) 15%
(B) 18%
(C) 20% ✓
(D) 25%

94. If 50 meters of road makes 10% of the whole length of the road, the length of the road is:
(A) 500 meters
(B) 1500 meters
(C) 250 meters ✓
(D) 5000 meters

95. Cement In stock is 5000 bags, 4000 bags having been sold, percentage of the bags left behind is:
(A) 25%
(B) 10%
(C) 20% ✓
(D) 05%

96. Which number will come next:
3,6, 5, 20. 7,42, 9
(A) 12
(B) 93
(C) 72 ✓
(D) 46

97. Ope gram of gold is equal to milligrams of gold.
(A) 100 mg. gold
(B) 500 mg. gold
(C) 1000 mg. gold ✓
(D) 10000 mg. gold

98. In one square centimeter there are how many millimeters.
(A) 1000 Sqr. mm
(B) 10000 Sqr. mm
(C) 100 Sqr. mm ✓
(D) 10 Sqr. mm

99. The amount of 15% of sales Tax paid on an article comes to Rs. 1500. What is the actual price of the article.
(A) Rs. 1000
(B) Rs. 7500
(C) Rs. 10,000 ✓
(D) Rs. 15,500

100. lnsert the missing number: 4, 5,7,11
(A) 21
(B) 19 ✓
(C) 17
(D) 26




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