PPSC Assistant Registrar Cooperative Societies 2016 Solved Past Paper

PPSC Assistant Registrar Cooperative Societies 2016 Solved Past Paper
Punjab Public Service Commission (PPSC)
Written Test for Recruitment to the Posts of


1. Who is considered to be the father of the nation of Singapore?
(A) Lee Kuan Yew ✓
(B) Goh Choc Tong
(C) Norodom Sihanouk
(B) Tun Abut Razzaq

2. Ahmad Sukarno remained the president of from 1940-1968.
(A) Malaysia
(B) Indonesia ✓
(C) Burma
(D) Maldives

3. What is the capital of Australia?
(A) Sydney
(B) Melbourne
(C) Canberra ✓
(D) Perth

4. One of the bloodiest battles of the First World War was fought at Ypres (lepers) where a large number of soldiers from South Asia also died, in which country Is this battlefield located?
(A) France
(B) Belgium ✓
(C) Austria
(D) Germany

5. President Robert Gabriel Mugabe Is the President of:
(A) Kenya
(B) Uganda
(C) Zambia
(D) Zimbabwe ✓

6. Dag Hammarskjold remained the Secretary General of the United Nations from 1953 till 1961 when he died In a plane crash. Which country did he belong to?
(A) Sweden ✓
(B) Norway
(C) Peru
(D) Denmark

7. After the assassination of Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, who became the Prime Minister of India?
(A) Morarji Desai
(B) Vishwanath Pratap Singh
(C) Rajive Gandhi ✓
(D) Sanjay Gandhi

8. Ernesto ‘Che’ Guevara was a famous revolutionary guerilla fighter. To which country did he belong?
(A) Bolivia
(B) Cuba
(C) Argentina ✓
(D) Brazil

9. Nelson Mandela received the Nobel Peace Prize In 1993 together with another South African Leader. What was his name?
(A) Oliver Tambo
(B) P.W Botha
(C) Frederick de Klerk ✓
(D) Archbishop Desmond Tutu

10. When did Pakistan leavfe the Commonwealth for the first time before rejoining It in 1989?
(A) 1965
(B) 1969
(C) 1072 ✓
(D) 1974

11. Which Is the second largest Planet In our Solar System?
(A) Jupiter
(B) Saturn ✓
(C) Uranus
(D) Neptune

12. When did the Organization of Islamic Conference change Its name to Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC)? '
(A) 28 June 2011 ✓
(B) 27 Dec. 2010
(C) 1 Jan. 2011
(D) 28 June 2012

13. ‘Grameen Bank’ a pioneer in the field of micro finance, was the brainchild of:
(A) Dr. Riaz Rahman
(B) Fazie Hussain Abld
(C) Dr. Muhammad Salman Rahman
(D) Prof. Muhammad Younus ✓

14. BRICS is the acronym for an association of five major emerging economies. The grouping comprises Brazil, Russia, India, China and
(A) South Africa ✓
(B) Singapore
(C) South Korea
(D) Sweden

15. The Permanent Secretariat of ASEAN is located in:
(A) Singapore
(B) Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia)
(C) Jakarta (Indonesia) ✓
(D) Bangkok (Thailand)

16. Who was the first man to set foot on the Moon?
(A) Neil Armstrong ✓
(B) BuzAldrin
(C) Yuri Gagarin
(D) Frank Borman

17. The Battle of Waterloo saw the defeat of Napoleon Bonaparte. In which country is this battlefield located?
(A) France
(B) Belgium ✓
(C) Near London
(D) Netherlands

18. The tactics of "Satyagraha" as a form of passive resistance movement was developed by Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. While he was in South Africa. He led a few Satyagraha agitations against the then South African Government. What was Gandhi doing In South Africa?
(A) He had gone there to visit relatives
(B) He was there to plead a legal case ✓
(C) He was exiled by the British to South Africa
(D) He went there to attend a wedding ceremony

19. Which famous actor played the role of Dr. Zhivago in the movie by the same name?
(A) Peter Otoole
(B) Marion Brando
(C) Omar Shareef ✓
(D) Zia Mohiuddin

20. The famous book ‘Gulliver’s Travels’ was written by:
(A) Jonathan Swift ✓
(B) Charles Dickens
(C) Thomas Hardy
(D) Lews Caroll

21. Former Foreign Minister of Pakistan, Sahabzada Yaqub Khan, who died recently, had also served as the special Representative of the UN Secretary General for.
(A) Timor Leste
(B) Rwanda
(C) Kososvo
(D) Western Sahara ✓

22. Pablo Picasso was one of the most famous painters of the world. He was from:
(A) Portugal
(B) Spain ✓
(C) Italy
(D) Argentina

23. Constantinople is the old name of:
(A) Baghdad
(B) Ankara
(C) Damascus
(D) Istanbul ✓

24. ‘Golden Temple" in India is a sacred place for which religion?
(A) Sikhism ✓
(B) Buddhists
(C) Jainism
(D) Taoism

25. Which President of the USA was Involved in the “Watergate Scandal'?
(A) John F. Kennedy
(B) Bill Clinton
(C) Richard Nixon ✓
(D) Lyndon Baines Johnson

26. Which mammal lays eggs?
(A) Whales
(B) Platypus ✓
(C) Penguins
(D) Kiwis

27. Before the re-unification of Germany what was the capital of West Germany?
(A) Frankfurt
(B) Bonn ✓
(C) Berlin
(D) Hamburg

28. ‘Cope of Good Hope’ is located in which country?
(A) Argentina
(B) Namibia
(C) South Africa ✓

29. To which island was Napoleon exiled to, in 1815, where he eventually died?
(A) Saint Helena ✓
(B) Elba
(C) Corsica
(D) Sardinia

30. In which country is the world's highest waterfall (Angel Falls) located?
(A) Zambia
(B) Canada
(C) Venezuela ✓
(D) Auystria

31. Recently Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif attended the Climate Change Summit, conference hold in Paris in December 2015. The conference is popularly known as COP21. What does COP stand for?
(A) Comprehensive Ozone Protection
(B) Conference of Parties ✓
(C) Conference of Ozone Polluters
(D) None of these

32. How many countries, so far, are members of the European Union?
(A) 28 ✓
(B) 15
(C) 32
(D) 26

33. The South African Cricket team is known by the name ‘Proteas'. What exactly is ‘Proteas'?
(A) An animal native to Southern Africa
(B) National song of South Africa
(C) National Flower of South Africa ✓
(D) Colour green In Zulu language

34. Wallis Mathias was a test cricketers from 1955 to 1962. Which country did he play for?
(A) Australia
(B) West Indies
(C) India
(D) Pakistan ✓

35. ‘Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely*. These words are associated with which personality?
(A) Lord Acton ✓
(B) Winston Churchill
(C) Abraham Lincoln
(D) Aristotle

36. The “Statue of Liberty" is located in New York, USA. It was gifted to the USA by:
(A) Great Britain
(B) Italy
(C) France ✓
(D) Spain

37. Who said “From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs"
(A) Karl Marx ✓
(B) M.K. Gandhi
(C) Adam Smith
(D) Plato

38. “Ornithology" is the study of:
(A) Bones
(B) Smells
(C) Birds ✓
(D) Oceans

39. Which disease is caused by iodine deficiency?
(A) Gout
(B) Goitre ✓
(C) Ricketts
(D) Scurvy

40. “Dialysis' is used for treatment of:
(A) Kidney failure ✓
(B) Meningitis
(C) Cholera
(D) Parkinson Disease

41. DNA as a term Is frequently usdd In Forensic investigations. What does DNA stand for?
(A) Double Nucleic Add
(B) Deoxyribo-Nudelc Add ✓
(C) Deoxyribo-NItiric Acid
(D) Deoxyribo-Nudelc Assodatlon

42. Banaspati Ghee, commonly used in Pakistan is produced by hydrogenation of:
(A) Comoil
(B) Soyabean oil
(C) Butter
(D) Palm oil ✓

43. MRI is commonly used diagnostic tool in hospitals. What does MRI stands for?
(A) Magnetic Ray Image
(B) Multi Ray Imaging
(C) Magnetic Resonance Investigation
(D) Magnetic Resonance Imaging ✓

44. Polio is caused by a:
(A) Bacteria
(B) Virus ✓
(C) Contamination
(D) Vitamin deficiency

45. Sun is a:
(A) Planet
(B) Galaxy
(C) Comet
(D) Star ✓

46. Which one of the following is not a mammal?
(A) Shark ✓
(B) Whale
(C) Dolphin
(D) Seal.

47. The longest bone in the human body is:
(A) Tibia
(B) Femur ✓
(C) Fibula
(D) Sternum

48. Which one of the following is the purest form of gold?
(A) 18 carats
(B) 20 carats
(C) 22 carats
(D) 24 carats ✓

49. Which one of the following is the largest organ in the human body?
(A) Liver
(B) Stomach
(C) Heart
(D) Skin ✓

50. Which one of the following disease is caused by drinking of contaminated water?
(A) Cholera ✓
(B) Malaria

51. Son of Mughal Emperor Zaheeruddin Babar, Emperor Humayun, lost his throne to:
(A) Jalaluddin Akbar ✓
(B) Sher Shah Suri
(C) Sher Khan
(D) Ameer Noor-ud-Din

52. Which Islamic scholar pradically opposed Akbaris so called Deen-i-llahi?
(A) Khawaja Moin-ud-Din Chishti
(B) Hazrat Shaikh Ahmad Sirhindi ✓
(C) Hazrat Data Ganj Bakhsh
(D) Hazrat Gaisu Daraz

53. After the 1857 war of independence the Mughal King of Delhi, Bahadur Shah was deported, by the British, to:
(A) Kathmandu
(B) Rangoon ✓
(C) Andaman Island
(D) London

54. Which British officer shot and killed three of Bahodur Shah Zafar’s sons, during the 1857 war of Independence)?
(A) William Hudson ✓
(B) Colonel Nicholson
(C) John Lawrence
(D) Lt. Wiloughby

55. In which year did the Hindi-Urdu Controversy start?
(A) 1867 ✓
(B) 1868
(C) 1869
(D) 1870

56. After Sir Syed Ahrripd Khan who became the Secretary of MAO College Management?
(A) Hakeem Ajmai Khan
(B) Nawab Mohsin-ul-Mulk
(C) Nawab Viqar-ul-Mulk ✓
(D) Moulana Muhammad Ali Johar

57. Who founded the Arya Samaj In India?
(A) Raja Ram Mohan
(B) Dayananda Saraswati ✓
(C) Ram Gopal Acharya
(D) Ambedkar

58. Indian National Congress was founded on the initiative of
(A) M. K.Gandhi
B) A. 0. Hume ✓
(C) Lord Curzon
(D) Ram. Gopal Acharya

59. Who was the first President of the All India Muslim League?
(A) Nawab Saeed-uz-Zaman
(B) Nawab Saleemullah
(C) Sir Agha Khan ✓
(D) Nawab Viqar-ul-Mulk

60. Syed Ahmad Shaheed along with Shah Ismail were martyred in a battle with the Sikhs at:
(A) Panipat
(B) Gujranwala
(C) Peshawar
(D) Balakot ✓

61. Who made the official announcement of the annulment of the partition of Bengals, in 1911?
(A) Sir John Jenkins
(B) Lord Hastings
(C) King George ill
(D) King George V ✓

62. In which pact did the leaders of the Congress and the Muslim League agree on Constitutional Reforms in India including separate Electorate for Muslims?
(A) Bombay Pact
(B) Lahore Pact
(C) Lucknow Pact ✓
(D) Delhi Pact

63. in 1927 the British Parliament appointed a Commission to report on the working of Dyarchy In Indian provinces. Who was the head of this Commission?
(A) Sir John Simon ✓
(B) Sir Stafford Cripps
(C) Lord Chelmsford
(D) Sir George Money

64. In August 1932, which British Prime Minister announced the famous Communal Award granting separate electorates to depressed classes in India?
(A) Neville Chamberlain
(B) Ramsay Macdonald ✓
(C) Stanley Baldwin
(D) Clement Attlee

65. Who was the Prime Minister of Great Britain when Pakistan and India gained independence?
(A) Clement Attlee ✓
(B) Wisnton Churchill
(C) Neville Chamberlain
(D) Sir Anthon Eden

66. Who wrote the National Anthem of India?
(A) Rabindranath Tagore ✓
(B) Bal Gangadhar TTlak
(C) Bankim Chander Chatopadhyay
(D) M.K. Gandhi

67. Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Aii Jinnah started Is legal practice In ^ and became the first Muslim barrister In the city.
(A) London
(B) Delhi
(C) Bombay ✓
(D) Karachi

68. Quald-e-Azam's daughter, Dina, decided to marry Neville Wadia against her father's wishes, which led to a lifelong estrangement between the two. What was Neville Wadia by way of religion?
(A) Pars ✓
(B) Christian
(C) Hindu
(D) Atheist

69. What was the title of Allama Iqbal's Ph.D Thesis?
(A) Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam
(B) The Development of Metaphysics in Persia ✓
(C) Concept of Social Justice in Islam
(D) Influence of Rumi on Sufi Poetry In India

70. Who played the pivotal role In the founding of APWA (All Pakistan Women's Association)?
(A) Begum Raana Liaqat Ali ✓
(B) Begum Shalsta Ikramullah
(C) Begum Jahanara Shahnawaz
(D) Begum Salma Tassaduq

71. The Indian Independence Act 1947 was mainly based on the recommendations made by:
(A) The Cabinet Mission
(B) The Cripps Mission
(C) The Wavell Plan
(D) The Mountbatten Plan ✓

72. After the assassination of Liaqat Aii Khan the then Governor General of Pakistan took over as the Prime Minister. Who was appointed as the Governor General?
(A) Muhammad Aii Bogra
(B) Ghulam Ahmad
(C) Ghulam Muhammad ✓
(D) Iskandar Mirza

73. Name tho incident that took place in January 1971, which provided an excuse to India to ban all Pakistani flights over Indian territory.
(A) Attack on India Parliament
(B) Violation of Ceasefire Line
(C) "Hijacking" of Indian aircraft to Pakistan ✓
(D) Killings of Indian guard at Wagah Border

74. After removal of the Nawaz Sharif government in 1999, Pervez Musharraf took office of:
(A) President
(B) Governor General
(C) Prime Minister
(D) Chief Executive ✓

75. In the Battle of Uhad Hinda mutilated the body of Hazrat Hamza (RA) and chewed his liver. Hinda was the wife of:
(A) AbuJehl
(B) Abu Sufyan ✓
(C) Abduiah ibne Jasha
(D) Wahshl Ibn Hart

76. During the Battle of Uhad most of the archers appointed by the Holy Prophet (PBUH) left tneir designated place. Who took advantage and attacked the Muslims and turned the fortunes:,
(A) Khaiid ibn Waleed ✓
(B) Ikramah ibn Abu Jehl
(C) Wahshl ibn Harb
(D) Haris ibn Harb

77. Name of the youngest daughter of the Holy Prophet (PBUH):
(A) Hazrat Umme-e-Kulsoom
(B) Hazrat Zainab (RA)
(C) Hazrat Ruqqaya (RA)
(D) Hazrat Fatima (RA) ✓

78. What is the meaning of "Baqarah"?
(A) Mountain
(B) Goat
(C) Cow ✓
(D) Cave

79. What was the name of the camel on which the Holy Prophet (PBUH) was riding while migrating to Madina?
(A) Duldul
(B) Anza
(C) Qaswa ✓
(D) Zulfiqar

80. At which place did the Holy Prophet (PBUH) became the Imam of all the prophets during Miraj (Ascension)?
(A) Masjid Al-Aqsa ✓
(B) Masjid-e-Nabvi
(C) Masjid-e-Haram
(D) Masjid-e-Qiblatain

81. Umrah can be performed at any time throughout the year except 9th to:
(A) 10lh Zil-Haj
(B) 11 Zil-Haj ✓
(C) 10th Ramzan
(D) 12 Ramzan

82. In which Surah of the Holy Quran essentials of “Wuzu” (Ablution) given?
(A) Al-Baqarah
(B) Al-Maidah ✓
(C) Al-Noor
(D) Al-Nisa

83. Who signed the Treaty of Hudaibiya on behalf of tho Quraish?
(A) Abu Sufyan
(B) Sohail bin Amar ✓
(C)Taofik bin Amor
(D) Khalid bin Waleed

84. Who was the first among the Muslims to conquer Northern Africa. He also established the city Kairwoan (Tunisia)
(A) Muhammad bin Qasim
(B) Khalid bin Walid
(C) Tariq bin Ziyad
(D) Uqbah bin Nafi ✓

85. How many Marlas are there in one acre?
(A) 180
(B) 140
(C) 160 ✓
(D) 150

86. How many “Furlongs" make 1 (one) mile?
(A) 6
(B) 7
(C) 8 ✓
(D) 9

87. On 25 September 2015 the UN Sustainable Development Summit adopted the 2030 Agenda for sustainable Development, which included a set of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). How many Goals have been included in the SDGs?
(A) 15
(B) 17 ✓
(C) 19
(D) 12

88. The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) were adopted in 2000. How many goals were identified in the MDGs?
(A) 8 ✓
(B) 9
(C) 10 .
(D) 12

89. Human Development Index (HDI) is a widely accepted indicator to measure the overall well-being of a country. Who was the man behind the establishment of HDI?
(A) Amartya Sen
(B) Mahbub-ul-Haq ✓
(C) Kofiannan
(D) Dr.Saleem Muhammad Saleem

90. Gross National Happiness (GNH) has been proposed as one of the indicators to measure the overall well-being of a country. GNH as an indicator was proposed by:
(A) Sri Lanka
(B) Norway
(C) Singapore
(D) Bhutan ✓

91. Population of Vultures in Pakistan is declining at a very high ratio and efforts are being made for conservation of this endangered bird. What is the main cause of declining vulture population? *
(A) Excessive use of pesticides
(B) Expanding urban centres
(C) Widespread use of Diclofenic in Livestock ✓
(D) Excessive poaching

92. Attabad Lake in Gilgit-Baitistan was formed due to a massive landslide, which blocked river for almost months.
(A) Kurram
(B) Indus
(C) Hunza ✓
(D) Gulmit

93. Who was Pakistan's first Civilian Chief Martial Law Administrator (CMLA)?
(A) Iskander Mirza
(B) Ghulam Muhammad
(C) Ayub Khan
(D) Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto ✓

94. The affairs of the cooperative societies in Pakistan are regulated under Cooperative Societies Act, 1925 and Cooperative Societies Rules of:
(A) 1928
(B) 1927 ✓
(C) 1928
(D) 1929

95. Who is the Minister for Cooperatives in the Government of Punjab?
(A) Malik Muhammad Iqbal Channar ✓
(B) Malik Tan veer Aslam
(C) Raja Ashfaq Sarwar
(D) Malik Nadeem Kamran

96. Who was the first post-independence Chief Minister of Punjab?
(A) Mian Mumtaz Daultana
(B) Malik Feroz Khan Noon
(C) Iftikhar Hussain Khan Mamdot ✓
(D) Sadiq .Hussain Qureshi

97. Who succeeded Sir Francis Mudie as the second Governor of Punjab in independent Pakistan?
(A) l.l. Chundrigar
(B) Sardar Abdur Rab Nishtar ✓
(C) Mian Aminuddin
(D) Mushtaq Anmea Gurmani

98. Squadron Leader M.M. Alam (retired as Air Commodore) was an ace fighter pilot in Pakistan Air Force. For his braver in 1965 war he was awarded the:
(A) Hilal-e-Jurat
(B) Nishan-e-Haider
(C) Sltara-e-Jurat ✓
(D) Tamgha-e-Shujaat

99. Who is the current Chief of Air Staff?
(A) Air Chief Marshal Tahir Rafiq Butt
(B) Air Chief Marshal Sohali Aman ✓ (19 March 2015, 19 March 2018, 3 years, 0 days)
(C) Air Chief Marshal Rao Qamar Suleman
(D) Air Chief Marshal Kaleem Saadat

100.One of the most prominent poets of Pakistan, Faiz Ahmad Faiz, won which international award In 1962?
(A) Nobel prize for Literature
(B) Lenin Peace Prize ✓
(C) Commonwealth Literature Award
(D) Booker Prize Literature

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