Everyday Science Oneliner MCQS 1

  • Gamma Rays are similar to X-Rays.
  • When the resultant of all the forces acting on a body is zero the body is said to be in a state of Equilibrium.
  • The Separation of ordinary light into its constituent colours is known as Dispersion.
  • If a body weighs 600 kg on the surface of the earth then the weight of the same body on the surface of moon will be 1/6th i.e. 100kg.
  • When a bullet penetrates into a target, the kinetic energy of a bullet is converted into Mechanical Energy.
  • The process of digestion begins in Mouth.
  • Sometimes when white blood corpuscles greatly increase in number, they cause a disease called Leukaemia.
  • The principle of wireless telegraphy was discovered by Signor Marconi.
  • The planet nearest to sun is Mercury.
  • Pressure cooker works on the principle that the boiling point of a liquid increases with the increase of pressure.
  • Copper is the best conductor of electricity.
  • Blood cells are manufactured by bone marrow of the body.
  • The smallest organism which causes disease is virus and even smaller is called viroids.
  • Neutron, electron and Proton have neutral, negative and positive charges respectively.
  • Of all the flying machines that man has made only Rockets are suitable for space flight.
  • Transistors do not need a warm up period because they have no Filaments.
  • If an object gives off its own light, it is said to be Luminous.
  • An electric heater would be most likely to produce I.R Radiations.
  • The Kelvin scale of temperature is called the absolute scale.
  • The type of radiation that is unaffected by magnetic field is called Gamma Rays.
  • If we know the mass of an object and the force applied on it, it is possible to calculate acceleration of the object.
  • Active transport in animals and plants required metabolic energy and Concentration Gradient to carry the substances across cell membrane electrical gradient.
  • Diseases that spread through air are called Air Borne diseases.
  • When iron is less in body, the quantity of Haemoglobin in cell decreases.
  • Arteries become hard due to deposition of Fats and Cholesterol in them.
  • The science of study of old age is called Gerontology.
  • The instrument used for measuring the velocity is called Anemometer.
  • The science which deals with the bird is called Ornithology.
  • The function of the thermostat in a refrigerator is to maintain temperature.
  • Blotting paper absorbs ink because the action of capillary.
  • Mirage is an example of Reflection of Light.
  • The age of a tree can be determined by counting Rings of stem.
  • In a normal resting man, the rate of heart beat is 72 per minute. 
  • In Pakistan copper is found in Saindak.
  • American space shuttle Mercury Atlas-6 is the first winged space ship to orbit and return to airport landing.
  • Myopia is a defect of vision which does not permit to see clearly the distant objects.
  • The brightest planet is Venus.
  • Urea s not a phosphorous fertilizer.
  • Ibn Baitar was a renowned Muslim Botanist.
  • Cellulose is natural polymer.
  • Vitamin A & D are not water soluble.
  • Amoeba is a unicellular animal.
  • Solar eclipse occurs in full moon.
  • Leprosy is a disorder of the Nervous System.
  • Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) cause decomposition of ozone.
  • Quartz is chemically a Silicate or Silicon dioxide.
  • Chicken egg is composed of One Cell.
  • Visible light energy has the wave length range of 400-700 nm.
  • Standard pressure is 760 mm-Hg.
  • Iron corrodes due to the formation of Iron Oxide.


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