CSS Solved Past Papers of Idiom's of English Paper 1986 to 1990,
CSS Solved Past Fiver Year Papers,
CSS Five Year Past Papers Solved,
CSS Solved English Past Papers.
CSS Solved Five Year English Papers.
4. Make sentences to illustrate the meaning of any five of
the following: 10
1- To back out / back away / back out of something
Move or retreat backwards without turning, withdraw from a
situation, or break an agreement or engagement.
After the announcement appeared in the papers, Mary
found it doubly difficult to back out of her engagement to
Todd. [Early 1800s]
2- To keep out of
3- Bang into
Crash noisily into, collide with
A clumsy fellow, Bill was always banging into furniture.
[Early 1700s]
Strike heavily so as to drive in; also, persuade
I've been banging nails into the siding all day. I can't seem
to bang it into his head that time is precious.
The literal usage dates from the mid-1500s, the figurative
from the second half of the 1800s.
4- To smell a rat If you smell a rat, you know instinctively
that something is wrong or that someone is lying to you.
5- To burn one's fingers
Harm oneself
I'm staying away from risky stocks; I've burned my fingers
often enough.
Some believe this expression came from a legend about a
monkey who gets a cat to pull its chestnuts out of the fire
(see cat's paw); others hold it is from an English proverb:
"Burn not thy fingers to snuff another's candle" (James
Howell, English Proverbs, 1659)
6- Null and void
Cancelled, invalid
The lease is now null and void.
This phrase is actually redundant, since null means "void,"
that is, "ineffective." It was first recorded in 1669.
7- To catch up with
Suddenly snatch or lift up
The wind caught up the kite and sent it high above the
trees. [First half of 1300s]
catch up with
Come from behind, overtake
You run so fast it's hard to catch up with you.
The auditors finally caught up with the embezzler.
Become involved with, enthralled by
We all were caught up in the magical mood of that evening.
catch up on or with
Bring or get up to date
Let's get together soon and catch up on all the news.
Tonight I have to catch up with my correspondence. [First
half of 1900s]
8- To stand up for
Remain valid, sound, or durable
His claim will not stand up in court. Our old car stood up
well over time. [Mid-1900s]
Fail to keep a date or appointment with
Al stood her up twice in the past week, and that will be the
end of their relationship. [Colloquial; c. 1900]
9- To skim through
10- To narrow down
1. Use any five of the following idioms in your sentences: 15
a) As cool as a cucumber
If someone is as cool as a cucumber, they don't get worried
by anything.
b) Have your cake and eat too
If someone wants to have their cake and eat it too, they
want everything their way, especially when their wishes are
c) In a Pickle
If you are in a pickle, you are in some trouble or a mess.
d) Take a cake
Be the most outstanding in some respect, either the best or
the worst.
That advertising slogan really took the cake.
What a mess they made of the concert—that takes the
This expression alludes to a contest called a cakewalk, in
which a cake is the prize. Its figurative use, for something
either excellent or outrageously bad, dates from the 1880s.
e) Sell like hot cakes
If something is selling like hotcakes, it is very popular and
selling very well.
f) As flat as a Pancake
It is so flat that it is like a pancake- there is no head on that
beer it is as flat as a pancake.
g) Take something with a grain of salt / pinch of salt
If you should take something with a grain of salt, you
shouldn't necessarily believe it all.
h) Like two peas in a pod
Things that are like two peas in a pod are very similar or
4. Make sentences to illustrate the meaning of any five of
the following: 10
a) Account for
Be the determining factor in; cause The heat wave accounts
for all this food spoilage, or Icy roads account for the
increase in accidents.
Explain or justify
Jane was upset because her son couldn't account for the
three hours between his last class and his arrival at home.
Both of these related usages are derived from the literal
meaning of the phrase, that is, "make a reckoning of an
account." [Second half of 1700s]
b) Carry weight / carry authority or conviction
Exert influence, authority, or persuasion
No matter what the President says, his words always carry
weight. Shakespeare combined two of these expressions in
Henry VIII (3:2): "Words cannot carry authority so
weighty." [c. 1600]
c) To fall back upon
Rely on, have recourse to
I fall back on old friends in time of need, or When he lost his
job he had to fall back upon his savings. [Mid-1800s]
d) To be taken aback
Surprise, shock
He was taken aback by her caustic remark.
This idiom comes from nautical terminology of the
mid-1700s, when be taken aback referred to the stalling of
a ship caused by a wind shift that made the sails lay back
against the masts. Its figurative use was first recorded in
e) A wild goose chase
A wild goose chase is a waste of time- time spent trying to
do something unsuccessfully.
f) By leaps and bounds
Rapidly, or in fast progress The corn is growing by leaps and
bounds School enrollment is increasing by leaps and
This term is a redundancy, since leap and bound both mean
"spring" or "jump," but the two words have been paired
since Shakespeare's time and are still so used
g) As cool as a cucumber
If someone is as cool as a cucumber, they don't get worried
by anything.
h) To burn midnight oil
Stay up late working or studying
The semester is almost over and we're all burning the
midnight oil before exams.
This expression alludes to the oil in oil lamps. [Early 1600s]
3. Make sentences to illustrate the meaning of any four of
the following: 8
a) White elephant
A white elephant is an expensive burden; something that
costs far too much money to run, like the Millennium Dome
in the UK.
b) Blue Blood
Someone with blue blood is royalty.
c) Cleanse the Augean stable
d) Apple of discord
Anything causing trouble, discord, or jealousy
e) In good books
If someone is in your good books, you are pleased with or
think highly of them at the moment.
f) Between the devil and the deep sea
If you are caught between the devil and the deep blue sea,
you are in a dilemma; a difficult choice.
g) Stare in the face / look in the face
Be glaringly obvious, although initially overlooked
The solution to the problem had been staring me in the face
all along. I wouldn't know a Tibetan terrier if it looked me in
the face. [Late 1600s]
h) Make off with
Depart in haste, run away
The cat took one look at Richard and made off. [c. 1700]
Take something away; also, steal something
I can't write it down; Tom made off with my pen. The
burglars made off with the stereo and computer as well as
jewellery. [Early 1800s]
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