Lecture No. 6
TOPIC: Morality of Prophet (صلي الله عليه وسلم)
Definition of
The Morality is a same meaning of
good qualities or politeness. According to the experts ,nature or the internal
qualities of human being.
saying by Imam Gazali the meaning of ethics(Morality) is:
“Ethics is a name of that stats condition
of human nature for which a man very
easily and conveniently did any action.
Place of Morality in Islam
Among the things on
which the prophet Muhammad (صلي الله
laid the greatest stress, after belief, and maintained that the felicity and
salvation of mankind is dependents upon them, one is the cultivation of good
manners and noble qualities of mind and character, avoiding evil and unseemly
behavior, and keeping away from vicious habits and practices. In the Quran,
where the objects of raising up of the sacred Prophet (صلي
وسلم) are defined, it is, also, emphasized that to cleanse men
and make them pure is a special part of his mission.
reform and uplift occupies a place of highest importance in the aim and design
of sanctification. As the prophet “صلي
himself has said: “I have been raised up by Allah to teach moral virtues.” It
denotes that moral correction and elevation was among the chief ends and
purposes of the mission of the prophet Mohammad “صلي
وسلم "and formed a fundamental part of his
magnificent endeavor. It, naturally, could not be otherwise, for moral values
play a vital part in molding a man’s life.
A person
with good morals will not only lead a happy and peaceful life himself, but his
existence will be a source of comfort to others as well. On the other hand, if
his social conduct and moral disposition are bad, his life will be devoid of
real joy, and he will, also, make the lives of his relatives and all other
around him miserable.
These are the
ready, worldly effects of good or evil behaviour we experience in our daily
existence, but it is going to yield far more serious results in the everlasting
life of the Hereafter. The sequel of noble morals, in the Hereafter, is the
good pleasure of the Lord and Paradise while that of bad manners and evils
conducts is the Wrath of Allah and Fire of Hell.
The saying of holy Prophet (صلي
relating to moral reform are of two kinds: one in which he has laid emphasis on
moral goodness, as a principle, explained the worth and importance of good and
virtuous habits, and indicated the unique reward they are going to fetch in the
Hereafter, and the other that contain the advice and instruction to acquire or
avoid a particular moral attribute. Here, we will, first, take up the
Traditions belonging to the former category.
of good manners
عبد الله بن عمرو قال قال رسول الله صلي الله عليه وسلم ا ن من خياركم احسنكم اخلا قا (رواه البخاري ومسلم)
(241/1) It is related by Abdullah Ibn Amr (رضي الله عنه) that the Messenger
of Allah (صلي الله عليه وسلم) said: “The best of
you are those who possess the best of manners” (Bukhari
and Muslim)
عن ابي هريرة رضي الله عنه قال قال رسول الله صلي الله عليه وسلم اكمل المؤمنين ا يمانا احسنهم خلقا (رواه ا بو داود)
(242/2) Abu Hurayrah (R.A.) related to us that
the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said: “Believers who possess better manners are
the most perfect in Faith”
There is a define relationship between belief
and manners. He who has a perfect belief definitely has very good manners. On
the same basis, he who possesses very good manners is a perfect believer. It
must be understood that without belief, a person’s manner—nay, any deed he
performs—are meaningless. Belief is the spirit and the driving force for every
deed and every piety. Thus, if we see anyone who has good manners but morally
an image of manners and they have no value in the sight of Allah.
Morality of Prophet (صلي الله عليه وسلم)
Perfect Human Nature
The noble person of the Holy Prophet
stands pre-eminent, dignified any mighty in all qualities, habits and manners.
To comprehend and to describe all these noble qualities and merits, is beyond
human capacity, since all those excellencies which can be imagined as
attainable are possessed by the Holy Prophet (صلي
All the messenger prophets are only reflection of his light. So praise be to
فلله الحمد
رب العلمين
The cherisher of
the worlds (for He is the owner of all goodness) may Allah bless him and his
family in measure of his beauty, sublimity and perfection and great him.
Special Distinction
Iman Nawawi (Mercy of Allah is on him) has
written in his Tahzib that Allah (the most high) had assembled all the Excellencies and virtues of character
and habits in the person of the Holy Prophet (صلي
Allah the most High) had endowed him with all the knowledge of the ancient and
later peoples, even thought he was unlettered – being unable to read an write0
and had no human teacher; yet he had been endowed with such knowledge as Allah
(The Most High) had not bestowed on anyone else. He was offered keys to the
mundane treasures but he preferred the hereafter to the worldly riches (صلي
Hazrat Anas (Allah be pleased with
him) has related that the Holy Prophet (صلي
was the greatest possessor of knowledge and wisdom. He was the most honorable,
just, humane and forbearing, virtuous and chaste, beneficent, patient and
fortitudinous of all men, peace be on him. Bukhari and Muslim have related on
the authority of Hazrat Anas (Allah be pleased with him) that the Holy Prophet
was more handsome, courageous and generous than anyone else because he was the
noblest of all men, and he was the most even-tempered. Definitely, the acts and
deeds of one possessing these merits will be a model of the best deeds, He will
possess the comeliest face and his character will be of the highest standard. The
Holy Prophet (صلي الله
was therefore, the Agglomeration of
all the qualities of bodily and spiritual perfection.
May Allah bless
him, infinitely
Long suffering and
The patience, long suffering and
forgiveness of the Holy Prophet (صلي
are the highest qualities of prophet-hood. According to a tradition, the Holy
Prophet never revenged himself for any personal or financial matter. He did so
only from one who declared any thing ‘Halal’ (Lawful) that Allah (the most
High) has prescribed as ‘Haram’ (Unlawful) but even this revenge was only for
the sake of Allah himself. The hardest suffering fell to the lot of the holy
prophet(صلي الله
in the battle of Uhd, when the unbelievers fought against him and caused him
severest grief and affliction, but he not only contended himself to suffer and
forgive, but taking pity on them also excused them for their misbelieve and
ignorance, and said:
اللهم اهدني
قومي فانهم لا يعلمون
Allah! Show my people the right path, for they know not” in another tradition
the words:
اللهم اغفرلهم
Allah! Forgive them”
Are also included, when the
companions who felt grieved at this said “O Apostle of Allah! Would that you
had cursed them, so that they were annihilated” he replied, “I have not been
sent to curse, but to call people to the truth, and as a mercy for the
creation” (Ash-Shifa, Madarij-un-Nubuwah).
Keeping His Word
On the occasion of the battle of
Badr the number of the Muslims was very small and they stood in need of every
hand they could muster, Huzaifa bin-al-Yaman and Abu Husail two of his
companions came to the Holy Prophet (صلي
and said, “O Apostle of Allah! We are just coming from Mecca. The unbelievers
had captured us on the way and have released us on the condition that we do not
fight on your side. We agreed under coercion, but we will certainly fight the unbelievers”.
The Holy Prophet (صلي الله
said “Not at all! Keep your word, and leave the battled field, We (Muslims)
will keep our word in all circumstances. We need the help of Allah only”
Hazrat Abdullah bin Abil Hammad (May
Allah pleased with him) has related: Before his prophet-hood I bought something
from the Holy Prophet (صلي الله
As y money fell short I requested him to wait at the spot, and promised to come
back in a while. But the matter slipped out of my mind somehow and after three
days when I returned to the spot I found the Holy Prophet (صلي
still waiting here. He only said, “You put me to great trouble. I have been
waiting for you here for three days” In this instance we find an excellent
instance of the modesty of the Holy Prophet (صلي
and his faithfulness in fulfilling a promise.
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